Using the Lookup Dialog without the Lookup Control (SmartBusinessEntityLookup)

The following code sample demonstrates the use of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup Dialog class outside of the Context of the Lookup Control.  

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    File        : lookup-dialog.p
    Purpose     : Example demonstrating the use of the SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog
                  outside of a Lookup control 

    Syntax      :

    Description : 

    Author(s)   : Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
    Created     : Thu Aug 04 17:14:16 CEST 2011
    Notes       :

/* ***************************  Definitions  ************************** */


USING Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.* .

DEFINE VARIABLE oLookupDialog AS SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog   NO-UNDO . 
DEFINE VARIABLE oResult       AS System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult NO-UNDO . 

/* ***************************  Main Block  *************************** */

/* Create a new instance of the SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog, the  
   default constructor does not allow the Lookup Dialog to store user 
   settings like for Dialog position and the column width */
oLookupDialog = NEW SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog ().
ASSIGN oLookupDialog:AdapterType                      = "" 
       oLookupDialog:LookupSmartBusinessEntityAdapter = ? 
oLookupDialog:InitializeDataAdapter() .

/* Set the title of the Dialog */
oLookupDialog:SetText ("This is set Lookup Dialog title") .

/* Set the usual properties for accessing a BusinessEntity on the backend */
    oLookupDialog:AppServerPartition          = ""
    oLookupDialog:LookupBrowserFields         = "CustNum,Name,Country"
    oLookupDialog:LookupDialogQueryString     = "FOR EACH eCustomer" 
    oLookupDialog:LookupDialogFilterFields    = "CustNum,Name,Country"
    oLookupDialog:LookupDialogFilterOperators = "GE,BEGINS,BEGINS"                                                            
    oLookupDialog:LookupEntityName            = "Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity"
    oLookupDialog:LookupEntityTable           = "eCustomer"
    oLookupDialog:LookupEntityView            = ""
    oLookupDialog:LookupKeyField              = "CustNum"
/* Show the Dialog, WAIT-FOR Ok or Cancel */ 
WAIT-FOR oLookupDialog:ShowDialog () SET oResult.

/* Compare the DialogResult to Ok, exit when Cancel was pressed */
IF Progress.Util.EnumHelper:AreNotEqual (oResult,
                                         System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult:OK) THEN RETURN . 

/* Access fields from the selected record */
MESSAGE oLookupDialog:GetLookupFieldValue ("CustNum") SKIP 
        oLookupDialog:GetLookupFieldValue ("Name")