Overview of service.xml files
This is an overview of the service.xml files provided by Consultingwerk. The service definitions provide a central piece of configuration where customers can adopt the framework to local requirements.
A typical GUI client references the following services.xml files:
- Consultingwerk\Windows\Framework\Reference\services.xml
- Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services.xml
- Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services_client.xml (when connected to an AppServer and not to the SmartDB)
A typical AppServer references the following services.xml files:
- Consultingwerk\Framework\Server\services.xml or Consultingwerk\Framework\Server\rest_services.xml
- Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services_server.xml
File Name | Category | Description | Referenced from |
Consultingwerk\BusinessEntityDesigner\Plugins\CustomServices\ services.xml | Sample Business Entity Designer custom services | Business Entity Designer Settings | |
Consultingwerk\Framework\Server\rest_services.xml | AppServer | Services used by AppServers handling REST calls (SmartComponents.Web2) | Consultingwerk/Framework/Server/rest_startup.p AppServer Startup Procedure |
Consultingwerk\Framework\Server\services.xml | AppServer | Services used by AppServers handling OpenEdge client requests (e.g. SmartComponent Library GUI) | Consultingwerk/Framework/Server/as_startup.p AppServer Startup Procedure |
Consultingwerk\SmartComponentsDemo\CustomerExplorer\services.xml | Client (Demo) | Services used by Demo Application Frontend | Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/CustomerExplorer/start.p Demo Application Startup Procedure |
Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services.xml | Client (SmartFramework) | Services used by SmartFramework client Applications | Consultingwerk/Windows/Framework/Reference/start.p Client Startup Procedure, when SmartFramework is active in products.i. Also referenced by Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/CustomerExplorer/start.p |
Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services_client.xml | Client (SmartFramework, AppServer Client) | Services used by SmartFramework client Applications, when connected to an AppServer, not a Database | Consultingwerk/Windows/Framework/Reference/start.p Client Startup Procedure, when SmartFramework is active in products.i. Also referenced by Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/CustomerExplorer/start.p |
Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\services_server.xml | AppServer (SmartFramework) | Services used by SmartFramework AppServers (for REST and GUI clients) | Consultingwerk/Framework/Server/as_startup.p and Consultingwerk/Framework/Server/rest_startup.p AppServer Startup Procedures |
Consultingwerk\Studio\SmartDox\class-doc-services.xml | Services for customizing the class documentation utility | build.xml file startup class docu/SmartDox utilities, e.g. https://github.com/jakejustus/pct/wiki/HtmlDocumentation | |
Consultingwerk\Web\services.xml | Services used by SmartComponents.Web WebSpeed broker | Consultingwerk/Web/web-disp.p via -param Startup Parameter | |
Consultingwerk\WindowIntegrationKit\Samples\services.xml | Client (Demo) | Sample WinKit Customization Services | Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/CustomerExplorer/start.p Demo Application Startup Procedure |
Consultingwerk\Windows\Framework\Reference\services.xml | Client (Reference) | Services used by GUI Client | Consultingwerk/Windows/Framework/Reference/start.p Client Startup Procedure |