Custom Components
Custom components may be used with JSON configurations via the "custom" component type. Here is an example JSON configuration:
{ "columns": [ { "customComponent1": { "componentType": "custom", "componentOptions": { "placeholderId": "salesRepChart" } } } ] }
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { SmartDataSource, DataSourceRegistry, SmartCustomComponent } from "@consultingwerk/smartcomponent-library"; @SmartCustomComponent('salesRepChart') @Component({ selector: 'chart-template', template: ` <kendo-chart [categoryAxis]="{ categories: categories }"> <kendo-chart-title [text]="title"></kendo-chart-title> <kendo-chart-legend position="bottom" orientation="horizontal"></kendo-chart-legend> <kendo-chart-tooltip format="{0}US$"></kendo-chart-tooltip> <kendo-chart-series> <kendo-chart-series-item *ngFor="let item of series" type="line" style="smooth" [data]="" [name]=""> </kendo-chart-series-item> </kendo-chart-series> </kendo-chart> ` }) export class ChartTemplateComponent implements OnInit { series: any[] = []; categories: string[] = ['Jan', "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; @Input() title: string; @Input() smartDataSource: string; constructor(private dsReg: DataSourceRegistry) { } ngOnInit() { this.dsReg.dataSourceAdded.first(ev => ev.dataSourceName === this.smartDataSource) .subscribe(ev => { let dataSource = ev.dataSource; dataSource.fetch() .then(result => { this.series = => { const serie = { name: salesrep.RepName, data: Object.keys(salesrep).filter(key => key.startsWith('MonthQuota')).map(month => salesrep[month]) }; return serie; }); }); }); } }
To register any component with the SmartComponent Library and use render it in placeholders defined via JSON, one only needs to add the @SmartCustomComponent(placeholderId) annotation, and include the component in the entryComponents of an imported module.