
Here is a sample JSON configuration for a form that uses a Smart Filter:

  "dataSources": {
    "CustomerDataSource": {
      "objectName": "CustomerDataSource",
      "entityName": "Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity",
      "tableRef": "eCustomer",
      "entityView": "eSalesRep",
      "filterSource": "CustomerFilter"
  "columns": [
      "left": {
        "columns": [
            "CustomerFilter": {
              "componentType": "filter",
              "componentOptions": {
                "objectName": "CustomerFilter",
                "filterFieldsInitial": [ "CustNum", "Name" ],
                "orientation": "horizontal"
            "CustomerGrid": {
              "componentType": "grid",
              "componentOptions": {
                "objectName": "CustomerGrid",
                "gridLayout": "Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity/customer",
                "dataSource": "CustomerDataSource"

Note: The Smart Data Source that uses this Smart Filter must have the "filterSource" property set to the "objectName" of the filter.


PropertyTypeExplanationEquivalent HTML Attribute
objectNamestringThe unique identifier used to obtain references of the Smart Filter
orientationstringDetermine's the Smart Filter's orientation. May be "vertical" or "horizontal".orientation
filterFieldsInitialstring[]Array of strings indicating which fields should be initially displayed by the filter.filter-fields-initial
filterFieldsOptionalstring[]Array of strings indicating which fields should optionally be displayed by the filter.filter-fields-optional