Smart TreeView
Here is a sample JSON configuration of the Smart Tree View:
{ "columns": [ { "salesrepTree": { "componentType": "treeview", "componentOptions": { "rootNode": "salesreptree.rootnode", "maxHeight": 500, "height": 400, "rootNodeExpanded": true, "paneVisibility": "md,lg", "mainColumnHeader": "Description" } } } ] }
JSON Properties list and explanations:
Property | Type | Explanation | Equivalent HTML Attribute |
rootNode | string | The rootNode attribute represents the Smart Tree Node that should be used as the root. | root-node-type |
maxHeight | number | Optional attribute, used for setting a maximum height of the tree view (not including the detail form), in pixels. If the tree view's height reaches or surpasses that value, a scroll bar will be shown. If left unset, the tree view will increase in height as much as necessary, without introducing a scroll bar at any point. | max-height |
height | number | The initial height of the Smart Tree View. | height |
paneVisibility | string | Represents a comma separated list of screen sizes in which the split pane should be visible. Defaults to "md,lg". Possible values are the same as bootstrap conventions:
| smart-pane-visibility |
rootNodeExpanded | logical | Determines whether the root node should be initially expanded. | root-node-expanded |
mainColumnHeader | string | Optional attribute, represents the text for the main column header in the Smart Tree View (the first column header). If not present, the header will be empty. | smart-main-column-header |
hideDetailView | boolean | Optional attribute. It is used to set the visibility of the detail view on the right. The default value is false. | hide-detail-view |