Release Notes 2024-04-01
Version Information
OpenEdge Release | Version Information |
11.7.17, 12.2, 12.7, 12.8 | Release 11.7 #79744@2024-04-01 |
Security Bulletin - log4j CVE-2021-44228
Further details: log4j CVE-2021-44228
OpenEdge 12.8 support!
We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.8. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.8 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of January 15th 2024.
OpenEdge 12.7 support!
We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.7. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.7 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of May 10th 2023.
OpenEdge 12.2 support!
We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.2. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.2 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of April 09th 2020.
Introducing the SmartComponent Library developer forum
Got questions about using the SmartComponent Library? Wish to discuss feature requests with other users of the SmartComponent Library? To facilitate networking in the growing number of SmartComponent Library users and developers, we've added a developer forum on our new home-page. The developer forum can be found at:
A login is required to participate in the forum. Don't be shy - create your account today!
Release Notes
Following the release of the OpenEdge 11.7 Release we have completed our testing of the SmartComponent Library on this release of Progress and are proud to announce formal support for the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 11.7 with the 2017-04-24 release of the SmartComponent Library. Generally we recommend customers on OpenEdge 11 to upgrade to OpenEdge 11.7 quickly. Starting the 2017-07-14 release we are supporting OpenEdge 11.7 Service Pack 1 (11.7.1).
Starting the 2015-10-09 release the Business Entity Designer will feature a start page with links to most recent release note articles on this site.
With SCL-751 we have adopted native Enums for OpenEdge 11.6. To activate this feature customers must add a definition to products.i. SCL-751 provides details for this.
With SCL-1113 we have modified the templates for SmartWindowForms and SmartTabFolderPages generated from the Business Entity Designer. We have removed the initialization of the viewer controls SmartTableIOState property (value was set to "NoDataSource" within the InitializeComponent method). Customers using their own set of templates should adopt the same fix to their templates.
New Versions of Proparse .NET Assemblies (30 December 2018)
We have updated proparse with further enhancements in this release (see Please download the .NET Assemblies ZIP file from our ESD and replace the in your environment with the latest one. The new assembly reference is:
As proparse is used by our Business Entity Generator, this new version of the Assembly is also relevant for customers not doing GUI for .NET development and require support for parsing new ABL language constructs.
This version of proparse provides additional debug information when errors are thrown from
New Version of the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents Assemly (09 January 2019)
To support the new SmartFilterControl and the "Filter" link between the SmartFilterControl/SmartDynamciFilterControl and a SmartBusinessEntityAdapter or SmartDatasetChildAdapter we have updated the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll. The new Assembly reference is:
<assembly name="Consultingwerk.SmartComponents, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=10603cb31df311b3"/>
Customers need to update this Assembly in order to compile the latest releases of the SmartComponent Library.
Hybrid Realm now using IAuthenticationService
We've updated the SmartHybridRealm class used for http authentication to leverage the IAuthenticationService. It is therefor required that for AppServers requiring http Authentication (e.g. REST or Web) the correct IAuthenticationService implementation is registered (using service.xml files).
Customers relying on the previous behavior should ensure that the Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authentication.AuthenticationService is regsitered as the IAuthenticationService. This implementation will auhtenticate users against the password stored in the SmartUser database table.
When users with no Login Company set should be able to login using the SmartHybridRealm, it's required to set the Login Company Tennant Domain (similar to the field in the Login Company Maintenance) in the .restapplicationsettings / .applicationsettings, e.g.:
"DefaultAuthenticationDomain": "consultingwerk" |
This is required as the Hydrid Realm Interface from Progress does not provide the domain name to the authentication method.
Web Handler overview
This is an overview of the web handlers supported by this release
defaultHandler=OpenEdge.Web.CompatibilityHandler handler1=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogWebHandler: /Catalog/{EntityName} handler2=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogsWebHandler: /Catalogs/{PackageName} handler3=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CountWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/count handler4=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceSubmitWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/SubmitData handler5=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.InvokeMethodWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/{MethodName} handler6=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName} handler7=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.BusinessServicesWebHandler: /BusinessServices/{OutputFormat}/{PackageName} handler8=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuWebHandler: /SmartMenu/{MenuStructureId} handler9=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuStructureWebHandler: /SmartMenuStructure handler10=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartRoutesWebHandler: /SmartRoutes handler11=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName}/{DetailTemplate} handler12=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName} handler13=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{CustomViewName} handler14=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{EntityName}/{ViewName} handler15=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{ObjectName} handler16=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{EntityName}/{ViewName} handler17=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{ObjectName} handler18=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMessageWebHandler: /SmartMessage/{MessageGroup}/{MessageNumber} handler19=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageWebHandler: /Image/{FileName} handler20=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartValueListWebHandler: /ValueList/{ValueList} handler21=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentsWebHandler: /Attachments/{Table}/{KeyValues} handler22=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentWebHandler: /Attachment/{Guid} handler23=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionContextWebHandler: /SessionContext handler24=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties/{PropertyName} handler25=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties handler26=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionInfoWebHandler: /SessionInfo handler27=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.FileSearchWebHandler: /FileSearch/{FileName} handler28=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ExecuteAblWebHandler: /ExecuteAbl handler29=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartLanguagesWebHandler: /Languages handler30=Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestEntitiesWebHandler: /Entities handler31=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerWebHandler: /Swagger/{EntityName} handler32=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerRestEntitiesWebHandler: /SwaggerEntities/{OutputType} handler33=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck/{ObjectName} handler34=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck handler35=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartEntityTableMappingHandler: /EntityTableMapping/{EntityName}/{TableName}/{UiTypeCodes} handler36=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeRootNodeWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeRootNode/{rootnodeid} handler37=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeChildNodesWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeChildNodes/{parentnodeid} handler38=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartSecurityCheckWebHandler: /IsRestricted/{SecurityRealmCode}/{SecurityItemGuid} handler39=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartFieldSecurityCheckWebHandler: /RestrictedFields/{TableName} handler40=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageNamesHandler: /ImageNames |
UTF-8 based deployments available
Starting August 14th 2016 we ship our source code also as UTF-8 encoded. The ZIP files ending with contain the source code encoded with that code page. The source code in the remaining archives is still encoded in ISO8859-1. Also on Github there is a new branch containing the OpenEdge 11 based source code in UTF-8.
Related article (Progress K-Base): How to get Progress Developer Studio to save in UTF-8 encoding
New Feature Documentation
- Support for RESTful invocation of Business Task and Business Entity Methods
- Invalid Proparse code-page setting corrupts temp-table field labels during "Refresh from Include"
- Generic Factory Service
- Using Invokable Business Entity Methods with Dataset Model Classes
- Using the Business Entity method FetchDataByKeyTable
- PASOE management scripts
- Business Entity Designer Launcher
- Searching data using ROWID's within the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter
- Business Entity Count Method
- SmartFramework ERD Designer
- Changes to the SmartDB and SmartDB upgrade and migration utility
- How to implement dynamic initial values
- How do I control the amount of details provided for error messages caused by our web handler
- Using custom log entry types
- Strong-typed Query Support
- Swagger REST API Documentation for RESTful Services
- Swagger REST API Documention for JSDO Generic Service
- Scaffolding utility for common helper classes
- RESTful services
- JSON Configuration File Format
- Common Component Specification (CCS)
Download Link
Overview of included tickets
SCL-4399 Viewer Designer - Size to Fit -> raised error for new instances
We have fixed an issue in the repository viewer designer that was causing an exception when using the Size to fit tool after new controls have been added to the viewer design.
SCL-4400 Business Entity Designer Form: Removed Close option
As the “Close” menu item in the Ribbon of the Business Entity Designer did not have any purpose, we have removed this tool from the menu.
SCL-3944 Queues implemented for scheduler jobs
Scheduler queues allow jobs to be grouped in meaningful ways, for example by operating system, or by priority. Running the scheduler for a queue means that multiple, distinct scheduler runtimes can be executing consurrently.
When a scheduler job plan is created, the job plan can be optionally assigned to a queue. The SchedulerRuntime uses its new QueueCode property to know which jobs to run. If no queue code is provided, or if a blank value is provided, then the jobs with no queue assigned are executed.
Queues are maintained in the Scheduler Queue Maintenance UI.
See Maintaining and monitoring scheduled Jobs from GUI frontend for more information on maintinaing scheduler queues, and for information on setting up a scheduler runtime per queue.
SCL-4407 Translatable Labels for Toolbar Security Items
The labels of the TableIO buttons are now used in the selection of toolbar buttons in the toolbar security item maintenance.
SCL-4408 Implemented field info dialog
We have implemented a field info dialog. The dialog can be invoked using CTRL-I from fields in a SmartViewerControl or updatable columns in an SmartDataBrowser.
The hotkey to invoke the field info dialog can be set using the static property Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartWindowFormController:FieldInfoShortCutKey
SCL-4425 ComplexInputPromptDialog now has option to control which properties are displayed in TextChangedHandler
Previously the displayed values of all properties have been updated after the ComplexInputPromptDialog called into the validator’s IsValid() method. This allows the validator to update values of properties during the validation cycle and the user was able to see the updated property values.
This was behavior however was only required in rare cases - and had side effects when updating for instance date values.
We have now introduced a new Interface:
interface Consultingwerk.IValueObjectValidatorWithDisplayProperties: /** * Purpose: Returns the list of properties that should be displayed after the call to IsValid() * Notes: */ define public property DisplayProperties as character extent no-undo get . end interface.
A Validator instance that requires field values to be updated after calling into IsValid() now needs to implement this Interface in addition to the IValueObjectValidator or IValueObjectValidatorWithMessages Interface.
During IsValid() the property DisplayProperties can be set to the list of property names that require to be displayed to the user, e.g.:
this-object:DisplayProperties = ArrayHelper:Array("CharacterVon":U, "CharacterBis":U).
SCL-4429 Added clipboard copy functionality to ProgressLangObjectPropertiesForm
We’ve added the option to label and value from the ProgressLangObjectPropertiesForm using the context menu of the tree view.
New Feature
SCL-3662 Implemented Temp-Table Statistics Form
The Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableStatistics.TempTableStatsForm form shows VST-based data about temp-tables. This data is for the current session only (ie does not show any data for any AppServer sessions).
The form can be launched as a dialog by calling Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableStatistics.TempTableStatsForm:ShowTempTableStats() , or by running Consultingwerk/Windows/TempTableStatistics/start.p .