Release Note 002: IWaitStateManager and NotifyIcon




As a result of changes made in change list 9679 (Added IWaitStateManager and implemented WaitStateManager) a general Interface describing methods required by "service providers" indicating the application wait state to the user (similar to the ABL SESSION:SET-WAIT-STATE ("GENERAL")). This service interface is used by the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDataObjectAdapter to indicate the wait state to the user.  

Change 9679 by mikefe@CONSULTINGWERK1 on 2009/06/13 17:12:14

        Added IWaitStateManager and implemented WaitStateManager

Affected files ...




Versions found


  • SmartComponent Library Customer Branch, Change #9706.  




A static property WaitStateManager has been added to the class  


This property gets and sets the reference to the current active WaitStateManager. This allows application developers to define virtually any method of indicating the wait state to the user. Right now the application (STATIC constructor of the FrameworkSettings class) initiates a new instance of the NotifyIconWaitStateManager. This wait state manager implementation uses the hour glass mouse pointer (rotating donut in Windows Vista and Windows 7) and a notify icon (located close to the time and date display in the system tray). When the application is idle an OE10 icon is displayed. During database or appserver access the OE10 icon is overlayer by an database symbol.  




To change the active wait state manager, simply set the property  


to another object implementing the IWaitStateManager interface.  

The class Consultingwerk/Framework/WaitStateManager will just display the hour class mouse cursor. To activate this wait state manager, add  

Consultingwerk.Framework.FarmeworkSettings:WaitStateManager = NEW Consultingwerk/Framework/WaitStateManager () .


to your application startup code.  


References to written documentation


  • none