Smart Filter
The Smart Filter provides a user interface to filter records returned by a Smart Data Source.
Sample markup
<!-- Dynamic Smart Filter --> <smart-filter orientation="horizontal" smart-object-name="customerFilter" filter-fields-initial="Country" filter-fields-optional="City,CustNum"> </smart-filter> <!-- Static Smart Filter --> <smart-static-filter smart-template="/Customer/filter" smart-object-name="staticCustomerFilter" </smart-static-filter>
Description (Dynamic Smart Filter)
Attribute | Description |
orientation | Either vertical or horizontal as values and is used to specify the filter's layout orientation, defaults to vertical. |
smart-object-name | The unique identifier used to obtain references of the Smart Filter component |
filter-fields-initial | Comma delimited list indicating which fields should be initially displayed by the filter |
filter-fields-optional | Comma delimited list indicating which fields should optionally be displayed by the filter |
Description (Static Smart Filter)
Attribute | Description |
smart-template | The URL from which the Smart Static Filter should fetch it's template. |
smart-object-name | The unique identifier used to obtain references of the Smart Filter component |
Sample Smart Static Filter template
<div> <input class="form-control" placeholder="Customer Number" id="custNumFilter" forField="CustNum" /> <select class="form-control" size=1 forFilterField="custNumFilter"> <option value="EQ">Equals</option> <option value="GT">Greater than</option> <option value="LT">Less than</option> </select> <smart-lookup forField="SalesRep" smart-lookup-header="Lookup SalesRep" smart-lookup-key-field="SalesRep" smart-lookup-key-value-field="" smart-lookup-fields="RepName" smart-business-entity-name="Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.SalesRepBusinessEntity" smart-entity-table="eSalesrep" smart-grid-layout="Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.SalesRepBusinessEntity/salesrep" id="SalesRep" ng-required style="width: 150px;" smart-lookup-dialog-options="width=700px; height=500px;"> </smart-lookup> <smart-combo-editor forField="SalesRep" smart-business-entity-name="Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.SalesRepBusinessEntity" smart-entity-table="eSalesrep" display-column-name="RepName" key-column-name="SalesRep"> </smart-combo-editor> <div class="btn-group"> <button filterButton class="btn btn-default">Filter</button> <button cancelButton class="btn btn-default">Clear</button> </div> </div>
Smart Static Filter Template Directives
Attribute | Description |
forField | Can be used on Smart Lookups, Smart Combo Editors and any HTML input element. If set, the Smart Static Filter will use the value of this attribute as the name of the record field to associate with this input's value. |
forFilterField | Can be used on Smart Lookups, Smart Combo Editors and any HTML input element. If set, the Smart Static Filter will use the value of this input to set the operator for filters on the field specified as it's value. |
filterButton | Use this attribute to mark the HTML element as the filter button. This makes the Smart Static Filter fire the filter event when that HTML element is clicked. |
cancelButton | Use this attribute to mark the HML element as the cancel button. This makes the Smart Static Filter clear all filter values when that HTML element is clicked. |