Using Visual Base Form classes

The SmartComponent Library provides visual base forms to be used as a foundation for various form types. These forms can be used by inheriting from them. Besides inherited functionality they provide a layout and contained controls.

These Visual Base Forms can be understood by customers as a template for creating your own visual base forms.

Class NameInherited fromDescription


BaseFormSimple Dialog Form (ShowDialog()) that includes an OK and Cancel Button with default settings.
Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.BaseForms.SmartBaseDialogFormSmartWindowFormSmartWindowForm based simple Dialog Form (ShowDialog()) that includes an OK and Cancel Button with default settings and provides SmartComponent Library extensions.


SmartWindowFormSmartWindowForm with one SmartBusinessEntityAdapter, one SmartDataBrowser and space for a SmartViewerControl. This Form is a functional starting point for creating simple master table maintenance forms.


SmartWindowFormSmartWindowForm with one SmartBusinessEntityAdapter, one SmartDatasetChildAdapter, two SmartDataBrowser and space for two SmartViewerControls. This Form is a functional starting point for creating simple master/detail forms.

SmartWindowForm for simple master table maintenance controls

To leverage the SmartSingleAdapterForm for creating Forms, create a Form an add code like this to the Constructor of the Form to initialize the Data Access and Grid columns:

Sample constructor to initialize the data access and grid columns
    Purpose: Constructor for the SimpleCustomerForm class
CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC SimpleCustomerForm ():
	SUPER ().
	THIS-OBJECT:InitializeComponent() .
	THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityName = "Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityTable = "eCustomer" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityView = "eSalesRep" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityJoin = "Yes" . 

    THIS-OBJECT:InitializeDataBinding () . 
    THIS-OBJECT:smartDataBrowser1:VisibleGridColumns = "CustNum,Name,City" .
	THIS-OBJECT:SmartViewerControl = NEW Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.CustomerExplorer.Customer.CustomerViewerControl () . 

SmartWindowForm for simple master/detail forms

To leverage the SmartMasterDetailAdapterForm for creating Forms, create a Form an add code like this to the Constructor of the Form to initialize the Data Access and Grid columns:

Sample constructor to initialize the data access and grid columns
    Purpose: Constructor for the SimpleOrderForm class
	SUPER ().
	THIS-OBJECT:InitializeComponent() .
	THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityName = "Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.OrderBusinessEntity" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityTable = "eOrder" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartBusinessEntityAdapter1:EntityView = "eOrderLine,eItem" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartDatasetChildAdapter1:EntityTable = "eOrderLine" .
    THIS-OBJECT:smartDatasetChildAdapter1:EntityView = "eItem" .

    THIS-OBJECT:InitializeDataBinding () . 

	THIS-OBJECT:smartDataBrowser1:VisibleGridColumns = "OrderNum,OrderDate" .
    THIS-OBJECT:MasterViewerControl = NEW Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.CustomerExplorer.Order.OrderViewerControl () . 
    THIS-OBJECT:DetailViewerControl = NEW Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.CustomerExplorer.Order.OrderLineViewerControl () .