Smart Screen Service

The Smart Screen Service monitors the screen size and publishes changes to subscribers.

The screen sizes are the same as those used by Bootstrap. Possible values are:

  • lg (large, greater than or equal to 1200px)
  • md (medium, greater than or equal to 992px)
  • sm (small, greater than or equal to 768px)
  • xs (extra small, less than 768px)

The service also offers an enum for convenience.


Subscribing to screen size change events

The windowSize event argument is of class WindowSize.

import { SmartScreenService, WindowSize, ScreenSize } from '@consultingwerk/smartcomponents-core';
constructor(private screenService: SmartScreenService) { }
ngOnInit() {
	this.screenService.windowSize.subscribe((screenSize: WindowSize) => {
		switch(screenSize.deviceScreenCategory) {
			case ScreenSize.EXTRA_SMALL:
				alert('For a better viewing experience, please use a wider screen');
		console.log(`screen size: ${screenSize.width} x ${screenSize.height} - string: ${screenSize.deviceScreenCategoryString}`);


Checking if the screen is of a certain size category:

import { SmartScreenService, ScreenSize } from '@consultingwerk/smartcomponents-core';

constructor(private screenService: SmartScreenService) { }
ngOnInit() {
	if (this.screenService.isOfSize('lg')) {
		//the screen is large
	if (this.screenService.screenSize.width > 1000) {
		//the screen width is larger than 1000 pixels