Smart Service Adapter

The Smart Service Adapter service provides an easy way to manage the JSDO session and JSDO catalogs, login/logout functionality and publishes state changes so that your app can respond to them.



import { SmartServiceAdapter } from '@consultingwerk/smartcomponents-core';
constructor(private serviceAdapter: SmartServiceAdapter) { }
doLogin(username: string, password: string) {
	this.serviceAdapter.login({ username: username, password: password })
			.then(() => { //login successfull })
			.catch(() => { //login failed });
doLogout() {
			.then(() => { //success })
			.catch(() => { //failed });


Adding a JSDO Catalog

import { SmartServiceAdapter } from '@consultingwerk/smartcomponents-core';

constructor(private serviceAdapter: SmartServiceAdapter) { }

ngOnInit() {
			.then(() => { //success })
			.catch(() => { //failed });


Subscribing to state changes

When the Smart Service Adapter's state changes, it is published to any subscribers. The event argument is of class SmartServiceAdapterState.

import { SmartServiceAdapter } from '@consultingwerk/smartcomponents-core';

constructor(private serviceAdapter: SmartServiceAdapter) { }
ngOnInit() {
	this.serviceAdapter.filter(state => !!state /** ensure the state is not null */).subscribe(state => {
		if (state.authenticated) {
			//do something once the user has logged in
		} else {
			//do something once the user has logged out