Updating to Angular 6
The latest update of the SmartComponent Library for Angular has introduced support for Angular 6 and dropped support for Angular 5. This means that the latest version of the SmartComponents CLI tool will now throw an error if it is not run within the context of a valid NG6 project structure and that simply updating an NG5 project to the latest version of the SmartComponent Library will break the project.
To update an existing Angular 5 project to Angular 6, the following steps need to be taken:
- Backup your project
Make sure you are using the latest version of the SmartComponent Library CLI tool:
npm install -g @consultingwerk/smartcomponents-cli@latest --registry http://npm.consultingwerkcloud.com
Update to the latest version of the Angular CLI (globally):
npm uninstall -g @angular/cli && npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
Update to the latest version of the Angular CLI (local to your project): In the root of the project, run:
npm install @angular/cli@latest --save
Run the NG updater to update your project structure to NG6 compliancy: run the following two commands in your project root. Do not worry about peer dependency incompatibility warnings. We will fix that in a later step.
ng update @angular/cli --force ng update @angular/core --force
Finally, run the SCL updater, in your project root:
scl update
This will update your project to the latest version of the SmartComponent Library and it's dependencies.
You should now be able to test your project by running
ng serve