Smart Tab Folder
The Smart Tab Folder component provides an easy and elegant way to organise your screens and reduce clutter.
Sample Markup
<smart-tab-folder #myTabFolder> <smart-tabfolder-tab label="Tab 1" key="firstTab" icon="Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/Web2/SalesrepCustomerTree/Images/businesspeople2.png" selected="true"> <ng-template smartTabFolderPageContent> <p>Tab 1 content</p> </ng-template> </smart-tabfolder-tab> <smart-tabfolder-tab key="secondTab" label="Tab 2" [disabled]="true"> <ng-template smartTabFolderPageContent> <p>Tab 2 content</p> </ng-template> </smart-tabfolder-tab> </smart-tab-folder>
The smartTabFolderPageContent directive must be applied on an ng-template element. It is used to render the tab folder page's template dynamically.
All attributes described below apply to individual smart-tabfolder-tab elements.
Attribute | Description |
label | The label to display for this tab page. |
icon | The icon to display for this tab page. If an absolute URL is provided, then it is used as is. If the provided URL begins with frontend://, then the value provided after the frontend:// prefix is interpreted as being relative to the NG app root. |
selected | Indicates whether this tab should be selected on load. Please note that an initially selected tab is mandatory. |
disabled | Indicates whether this tab is enabled. |
key | An optional unique key that can be used to identify a tab. Can be used as an alternative to the tab index. |
Available Methods
Method Name | Description |
enablePage(page: number | string) | Enables a tab page. The "page" argument may be the tab index (0 based) or the tab key. |
disablePage(page: number | string) | Disables a tab page. The "page" argument may be the tab index (0 based) or the tab key. |
selectPage(page: number | string) | Selects a tab page. The "page" argument may be the tab index (0 based) or the tab key. |
Sample Usage
// Use a ViewChild when the form is using a HTML template @ViewChild('myTabFolder') tabFolder: SmartTabFolderComponent; ngAfterViewInit() { this.tabFolder.disablePage(0); //disables the first tab page, by index this.tabFolder.enablePage('firstTab'); //enables the first tab page, by key this.tabFolder.selectPage(1); //selects the second tab page, by index this.tabFolder.selectPage('firstTab'); //selects the first tab page, by key } // Use the Smart TabFolder Registry when the form is using a JSON layout constructor(private tabFolderRegistry: SmartTabFolderRegistryService) { } async ngOnInit() { const tabFolder = await this.tabFolderRegistry.getTabFolderAsync('myTabFolder'); // 'myTabFolder' is the object name tabFolder.disablePage(0); //disables the first tab page, by index tabFolder.enablePage('firstTab'); //enables the first tab page, by key tabFolder.selectPage(1); //selects the second tab page, by index tabFolder.selectPage('firstTab'); //selects the first tab page, by key }