Formatting datasets returned by RESTful Business Service methods
Support for RESTful invocation of Business Task and Business Entity Methods descibes how a business task method annotated with the @RestMethod
annotation can return datasets to a caller. Any datasets returned using the response="<dataset-name>"
anotation attribute are formatted using the ABL's standard formatting, as applied when calling the WRITE-JSON
methodon the dataset.
The Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.IRestResourceFormatService service exists to perform formatting of datasets (and other kinds of responses). This service is used to format responses for standard RESTful services .
Method | Return type | Parameters |
BuildCollectionResponse (HANDLE, CHARACTER, IRestResourceFormatParameter) | JsonArray |
BuildRecordResponse (HANDLE, IRestResourceFormatParameter) | JsonObject |
BuildCountResponse (ICountRecordsRequest, IRestResourceFormatParameter) | JsonObject |
BulidStatusResponse (CHARACTER, OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.StatusCodeEnum, IRestResourceFormatParameter) | JsonObject |
Each method takes an instance of a rest resource format parameter (Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.IRestResourceFormatParameter) that provides information to the formatting service on what information to provide in the response. The default implementation is the Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestResourceFormatParameter class.
There are a number of properties that can be set on the parameter object.
Property name | Required | Data type | Purpose |
RestAddress | YES | CHARACTER | The URI template or relative address used to access this resource. Eg "/Customers/{CustNum}" . Used for formatting / building the self and other links |
Tables | YES | CHARACTER | A comma-separated list of tables in the dataset to be returned |
IdField | YES | CHARACTER | A comma delimited list of fields used to return the ID of a resource |
Fields | YES | CHARACTER | The comma delimited list of fields to be added to the response. Possible values may be field names, tablename.fieldname's or tablename.* |
ChildAddresses | NO | CHARACTER | Links to resource URI's for the child records returned by the request, comma delimited list, entries are in the form of eSalesrep:/Salesreps/~{SalesRep} |
Links | NO | CHARACTER | HATEOAS style links (to other business entities) in the form of orders:/Customers/~{CustNum}/Orders,salesrep:/Salesreps/~{SalesRep} |
Values | NO | Consultingwerk.ListNameValuePair | A list of address tokens and their mapped values (in the URL) |
Request | YES | OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest | The request made to access the current resource |
AddSelfUrl | NO | LOGICAL | Indicates whether to add a resource's "self” url to the response |
The mandatory properties are enforced by constructor.
Using the rest resource formatting service
When applications call the formatting service from an annotated business service method, the response
attribute of the @RestMethod annotation must include "return" and the return value of the method must be a JSON construct (either JsonObject or JsonArray).
@RestMethod (address="/GetCustomerAndInvoices", requestMethod="get",
@ParameterSchema (datasetname="dsCustomer", schemafile="Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/OERA/Sports2000/dsCustomer.xsd").
@ParameterSchema (datasetname="dsInvoice", schemafile="Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/OERA/Sports2000/dsInvoice.xsd").
METHOD PUBLIC JsonObject GetCustomerAndInvoices (INPUT-OUTPUT DATASET dsCustomer,
poParameter AS IntegerHolder):
DEFINE VARIABLE oRestResourceFormatService AS IRestResourceFormatService NO-UNDO.
DEFINE VARIABLE oRestResourceFormatParameter AS IRestResourceFormatParameter NO-UNDO.
DEFINE VARIABLE oRequest AS OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest NO-UNDO.
/* Perform business task here */
ServiceInterface:FetchData (SmartComponentsDemoServices:OERA:Sports2000:CustomerBusinessEntity,
NEW FetchDataRequest ("eCustomer":U, SUBSTITUTE ("for each eCustomer where eCustomer.CustNum = &1":U,
QUOTER (poParameter:Value))),
OUTPUT DATASET dsCustomer) .
ServiceInterface:FetchData (SmartComponentsDemoServices:OERA:Sports2000:InvoiceBusinessEntity,
NEW FetchDataRequest ("*":U, SUBSTITUTE ("for each eInvoice where eInvoice.CustNum = &1":U,
QUOTER (poParameter:Value))),
/* Format datasets for return */
oRestResourceFormatService = {Consultingwerk/get-service.i IRestResourceFormatService "NEW RestResourceFormatService()"}.
oResponse = NEW JsonObject().
/* The webrequest is immutable for this request */
oRequest = NEW OpenEdge.Web.WebRequest().
/* Add the customer dataset */
oRestResourceFormatParameter = NEW RestResourceFormatParameter("/Customers/~{CustNum}":U,
oResponse:Add("customers", oRestResourceFormatService:BuildRecordResponse(DATASET dsCustomer:HANDLE,
/* Add the invoice dataset */
oRestResourceFormatParameter = NEW RestResourceFormatParameter("/Invoices/~{InvNum}":U,
oResponse:Add("invoices":U, oRestResourceFormatService:BuildCollectionResponse(DATASET dsInvoice:HANDLE,
"BY eInvoice.InvoiceDate":U,
RETURN oResponse.