Release Notes 2022-12-12

Version Information

OpenEdge Release

Version Information

11.7.9, 11.7.10, 11.7.11, 11.7.12, 12.2., 12.5.2

Release 11.7 #73412@2022-12-12

Security Bulletin - log4j CVE-2021-44228

Further details: log4j CVE-2021-44228

OpenEdge 12.6 support!

We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.6. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.6 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of  October 4th 2022.

OpenEdge 12.2 support!

We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.2. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.2 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of April 09th 2020.

.NET Framework Version 4.7

.NET 4.7 is not supported with OpenEdge 11.x, see: Is .NET 4.7 certified and supported for OpenEdge? 

Progress has reported severy issues with OpenEdge GUI for .NET and .NET 4.7: GUI .Net Application crashes after .Net upgrade to 4.7

When using the .NET Framework 4.7, please make sure, you upgrade to OpenEdge 11.6.4 or OpenEdge 11.7.2 or later. Also, it may be required to recompile the application on a PC running .NET Framework 4.7 when applications are also executed on a PC with .NET Framework 4.7.

Introducing the SmartComponent Library developer forum

Got questions about using the SmartComponent Library? Wish to discuss feature requests with other users of the SmartComponent Library? To facilitate networking in the growing number of SmartComponent Library users and developers, we've added a developer forum on our new home-page. The developer forum can be found at: 

A login is required to participate in the forum. Don't be shy - create your account today!

Release Notes

Following the release of the OpenEdge 11.7 Release we have completed our testing of the SmartComponent Library on this release of Progress and are proud to announce formal support for the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 11.7 with the 2017-04-24 release of the SmartComponent Library. Generally we recommend customers on OpenEdge 11 to upgrade to OpenEdge 11.7 quickly. Starting the 2017-07-14 release we are supporting OpenEdge 11.7 Service Pack 1 (11.7.1).

Starting the 2015-10-09 release the Business Entity Designer will feature a start page with links to most recent release note articles on this site.

With SCL-751 we have adopted native Enums for OpenEdge 11.6. To activate this feature customers must add a definition to products.i. SCL-751 provides details for this.

With SCL-1113 we have modified the templates for SmartWindowForms and SmartTabFolderPages generated from the Business Entity Designer. We have removed the initialization of the viewer controls SmartTableIOState property (value was set to "NoDataSource" within the InitializeComponent method). Customers using their own set of templates should adopt the same fix to their templates.

OpenEdge 11.7.3 compatibility

During our tests on OpenEdge 11.7.3 we have experienced the following issues: 

  • [SCL-2216] - 11.7.3 Visual Designer disabling properties of ABL user controls

The issue has been resolved by Progress Software with hotfix 007 for OpenEdge 11.7.3.

OpenEdge 11.7.2 compatibility

During our tests on OpenEdge 11.7.2 we have experienced two issues: 

  • [SCL-2007] - Correct support for WebHandler in CcsServiceManager
  • [SCL-2008] - Closing SmartWindowForm causes crash on OpenEdge 11.7.2

We consider it mandatory for customers using OpenEdge 11.7.2 to use at least the release #44166@2017-11-27 of the SmartComponent Library. 

Due to an fix for

  • [SCL-1924] - SmartViewerControl: copy mechanism cannot cope with clob datatype

from Progress Software for in OpenEdge we further recommend all customers to apply this hotfix as well. 

New Versions of Proparse .NET Assemblies (30 December 2018)

We have updated proparse with further enhancements in this release (see Please download the .NET Assemblies ZIP file from our ESD and replace the in your environment with the latest one. The new assembly reference is:

<assembly name=", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cda1b098b1034b24"/>

As proparse is used by our Business Entity Generator, this new version of the Assembly is also relevant for customers not doing GUI for .NET development and require support for parsing new ABL language constructs.

This version of proparse provides additional debug information when errors are thrown from

New Version of the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents Assemly (09 January 2019)

To support the new SmartFilterControl and the "Filter" link between the SmartFilterControl/SmartDynamciFilterControl and a SmartBusinessEntityAdapter or SmartDatasetChildAdapter we have updated the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll. The new Assembly reference is:

<assembly name="Consultingwerk.SmartComponents, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=10603cb31df311b3"/>

Customers need to update this Assembly in order to compile the latest releases of the SmartComponent Library.

Hybrid Realm now using IAuthenticationService

We've updated the SmartHybridRealm class used for http authentication to leverage the IAuthenticationService. It is therefor required that for AppServers requiring http Authentication (e.g. REST or Web) the correct IAuthenticationService implementation is registered (using service.xml files).

Customers relying on the previous behavior should ensure that the Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authentication.AuthenticationService is regsitered as the IAuthenticationService. This implementation will auhtenticate users against the password stored in the SmartUser database table. 

When users with no Login Company set should be able to login using the SmartHybridRealm, it's required to set the Login Company Tennant Domain (similar to the field in the Login Company Maintenance) in the .restapplicationsettings / .applicationsettings, e.g.:

 "DefaultAuthenticationDomain": "consultingwerk" 

This is required as the Hydrid Realm Interface from Progress does not provide the domain name to the authentication method. 

Web Handler overview

This is an overview of the web handlers supported by this release

handler1=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogWebHandler: /Catalog/{EntityName}
handler2=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogsWebHandler: /Catalogs/{PackageName}
handler3=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CountWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/count
handler4=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceSubmitWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/SubmitData
handler5=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.InvokeMethodWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/{MethodName}
handler6=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}
handler7=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.BusinessServicesWebHandler: /BusinessServices/{OutputFormat}/{PackageName}
handler8=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuWebHandler: /SmartMenu/{MenuStructureId}
handler9=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuStructureWebHandler: /SmartMenuStructure
handler10=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartRoutesWebHandler: /SmartRoutes
handler11=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName}/{DetailTemplate}
handler12=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler13=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{CustomViewName}
handler14=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler15=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{ObjectName}
handler16=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler17=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{ObjectName}
handler18=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMessageWebHandler: /SmartMessage/{MessageGroup}/{MessageNumber}
handler19=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageWebHandler: /Image/{FileName}
handler20=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartValueListWebHandler: /ValueList/{ValueList}
handler21=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentsWebHandler: /Attachments/{Table}/{KeyValues}
handler22=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentWebHandler: /Attachment/{Guid}
handler23=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionContextWebHandler: /SessionContext
handler24=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties/{PropertyName}
handler25=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties
handler26=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionInfoWebHandler: /SessionInfo
handler27=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.FileSearchWebHandler: /FileSearch/{FileName}
handler28=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ExecuteAblWebHandler: /ExecuteAbl
handler29=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartLanguagesWebHandler: /Languages
handler30=Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestEntitiesWebHandler: /Entities
handler31=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerWebHandler: /Swagger/{EntityName}
handler32=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerRestEntitiesWebHandler: /SwaggerEntities/{OutputType}
handler33=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck/{ObjectName}
handler34=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck
handler35=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartEntityTableMappingHandler: /EntityTableMapping/{EntityName}/{TableName}/{UiTypeCodes}
handler36=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeRootNodeWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeRootNode/{rootnodeid}
handler37=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeChildNodesWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeChildNodes/{parentnodeid}
handler38=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartSecurityCheckWebHandler: /IsRestricted/{SecurityRealmCode}/{SecurityItemGuid}
handler39=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartFieldSecurityCheckWebHandler: /RestrictedFields/{TableName}
handler40=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageNamesHandler: /ImageNames
handler41=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ExecuteQueryWebHandler: /ExecuteQuery
handler42=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.TranslationProviderWebHandler: /GetTranslation

UTF-8 based deployments available

Starting August 14th 2016 we ship our source code also as UTF-8 encoded. The ZIP files ending with contain the source code encoded with that code page. The source code in the remaining archives is still encoded in ISO8859-1. Also on Github there is a new branch containing the OpenEdge 11 based source code in UTF-8.

Related article (Progress K-Base): How to get Progress Developer Studio to save in UTF-8 encoding

New Feature Documentation

Download Link

Overview of included tickets


SCL-3862 Lookup Renderer used Viewer's BindingSource to determine Lookup field data-types


The Lookup Renderer of the GUI for .NET Repository has been using the binding source of the viewer that contains a lookup control to determine the data-type (and thus the default filter operators) of columns in the Lookup’s grid.

This has been changed now. When the lookup does not have the LookupDialogFilterOperators property set in the repository, we’ll be retrieving the lookup’s Business Entities dataset definition to determine the data-types and the default operator per field.

SCL-3870 Imported SmartGroup records have been assigned new GUID values during import using the GenericDataImporter


We have resolved an issue when importing SmartGroup records using the GenericDataImporter class. The SmartGroup records are no longer receiving a new GUID value whenever they are exported and imported into an environment.

SCL-3878 Fixed issue in Business Entity Tester


The Business Entity Tester of the Business Entity Designer was typically calling twice into the RetreiveData method of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and thus retrieving data twice from the Business Entity. This was caused by the SetQuerySort calling into RetrieveData. This issue has been fixed.

SCL-3879 Fixed issue in Validate:IsInRange method


We have fixed an issue in the IsInRange method of the Validate/ValidationHelper class. While expecting DECIMAL values for comparison the method has been testing for the INTEGER datatype.

This issue has been fixed.


SCL-3852 SCL-PASOE GUI now launches _progres directly instead of via scl-pasoe.cmd


The PASOE Control GUI now launches the _progres session issuing the oemanager requests directly instead of through the batch files in the SmartComponent Library code base. This is to avoid issues in environments where developers are not allowed to execute scripts except from specific locations.

SCL-3854 Added support for import and export of SchedulerJobPlans using the GenericDataImporter


We have enabled the export and import of scheduler job plans from the SchedulerJobPanBusinessEntity using the GenericDataImporter.

SCL-3855 Added GUI rendering support for StyleSetName


We’ve added support for the StyleSetName property in GUI for .NET rendering. The property is used in relation to the Infragistics AppStylist framework.

SCL-3856 Added method to DynamicForm to locate rendered forms of a certain repository master


We’ve added a new method of the DynamicForm class that returns all running instances of a given Form repository master.

     * Purpose: Returns a list of DynamicForms of the given object master
     * Notes:
     * @param pcObjectMasterName The name of the repository object master to locate
     * @return The .NET Generic List of Form instances
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC "System.Collections.Generic.List<Progress.Windows.Form>" FindDynamicFormInstances (pcObjectMasterName AS CHARACTER):

SCL-3857 Implemented support for GenericDataImporter in EntityFieldMappingBusinessEntity


We’ve added support for exporting and importing data using the GenericDataImporter for the EntityFieldMappingBusinessEntity.

SCL-3858 Allowing GET access to TableModel's QueryExpression property


We’re not exposing the QueryExpressions populated by a TableModel’s Filter methods through the QueryExpressions property.

SCL-3859 Created an API in IAppStylistService to return all Style library files


We have added a new method GetStyleLibraries() to the IAppStylistService interface. This method returns an Infragistics Value list with the names and full pathnames of the .isl files present in the folder configured to contain the style library files.

     * Purpose: Returns a Value List with the available style sets
     * Notes:
     * @return The ValueList with the Styles
    METHOD PUBLIC ValueList GetStyleLibraries().

SCL-3860 Exposing IconFileName and IconFileNameWeb on DynamicForm


We’re now exposing the IconFileName and IconFileNameWeb as properties on the DynamicForm instance. This allows developers to use those attributes for custom styling.

SCL-3863 Introduced scaling factors in GUI for .NET Rendering


Similar to the pixel-perfect rendering for viewers in the Angular Web UI we now support scaling factors for X, Y, Width and Height. Developers can set the Scaling factors as static properties of the Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.WindowsRenderingScalingFactors class ( ).

SCL-3864 JsonHelper:MergeObjects now supports different NUMBER data types


The JsonHelper method MergeObjects has now been enhanced to support different NUMBER data types - so that is distinguishes between INT64, DECIMAL and INTEGER.

SCL-3865 Added support for setting Anchor styles in the Repository


We have added support for setting the Anchor Styles of Controls in a MetaViewer for GUI for .NET rendering.

SCL-3867 Introduced "UltraPanel" ViewerStyle


We have introduced a new ViewerStyle “UltraPanel” for the MetaViewer rendering to GUI for .NET. This viewer style renders the viewer contents into an UltraPanel control for better support of Infragistics AppStyling.

SCL-3868 Lookup Dialog should now supports LOGICAL filter with tri-state-checkbox


The Lookup Dialog of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup Control now supports filtering for LOGICAL fields using a tri-state checkbox (TRUE/FALSE/not filtered)..

SCL-3877 Throwing an error if InitializeUiCulture results in an invalid culture


When an invalid .NET culture identifier is passed to the InitializeUiCulture method of the UserInterfaceLanguageManager class we’re now raising a runtime error.

New Feature

SCL-3448 Template Scripts for SmartFramework data import/export


We have released a set of scripts to support the maintenance and versioning of the data in the SmartFramework repository on our documentation website:

SCL-3734 Help-Service in GUI for .NET Rendering


We have added a new property HelpUrl to the components of a Form in the SmartFramework repository. When rendering to GUI for .NET this property is used to link focussed components to a help page on the internet (Wiki location). When the user presses the F1 Key we’re opening the help page associated with the closes control to the focussed control that has a HelpUrl defined.

SCL-3866 Added support for "Dirty" flag on SmartWindowForm


We have added support for a “dirty” flag on the SmartWindowForm. The dirty flag allows to provide a visual cue to the user when a window is in update mode.

Support for the DirtyFlag is enabled using the SupportsDirtyState property of the SmartWindowForm (repository supported). The dirty flag is by default indicated by adding an asterisk (star) to the window title. By overriding the method DisplayDirtyState() developers can implement different visualization styles based on the DirtyState property of the SmartWindowForm.

SCL-3880 Optional Toolbar Button Rendering with Label


We’re now supporting the rendering of toolbar buttons with image and text in the GUI for .NET repository. The rendering of the label is based on the displayLabelOnToolbar logical property in the JSON button definition.

SCL-3881 Implemented Service to manipulate Labels of Fields in rendered Viewer


We have implemented the new service Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.Viewer.ILabelCustomizer in the GUI for .NET rendering engine. This service can be used to influence the rendering of Control labels by implementing the following method:

 * Purpose: Customizes a Label
 * Notes:
 * @param poLabel The reference to the Label control
 * @param poControl The reference to the Control
 * @param phAttributes The handle of the buffer with the attributes of the Control
METHOD PUBLIC VOID CustomizeLabel (poLabel AS UltraLabel,
                                   poControl AS Control,
                                   phAttributes AS HANDLE) .