Lifecycle and support policy

On this page we are documenting our release policy for the SmartComponent Library Angular client and the SmartFramework reference applications (the products).  

To support the demand of customers for stable versions of the library providing new functionality and fast resolution of critical issues we are going to support explicit new feature releases and bug fix releases.  

We are starting to base our version numbering on the Angular release number a release will be based on/supported on.  

Following the policies of the Angular developer teams, customers may need to expect breaking changes when switching from one release of the products to another release. We will be providing support and maintenance for up to two major releases of the products with bug fix releases. We will provide bug fix releases depending on the severity of known issues either proactively or on customer request. 

Major (LTS), feature and patch releases 

 Major releases are scheduled ~ 4 weeks following the release of a new Angular major release (typically every 6 months) and are targeted to said Angular major release.

  • Every major release of the products has LTS support status for 12 months following the initial release. Due Angular release strategy providing a new release every 6 months, we expect that we will be maintaining two LTS releases at any given time. We will not provide fixes for releases that are not in LTS status anymore. Customers are strongly recommended to ensure they are using one of the two parallel maintained LTS releases. The rationale is that we cannot ensure the availability of 3rd party dependencies being available for older Angular components and libraries any longer.

  • Feature releases of the products contain new features, enhancements and bug fixes and are based on the most recent major/LTS release only. We will be providing feature releases sporadically whenever a significant amount of new functionality has been developed and tested. We will not release new features to the previous major/LTS release.

  • Major releases may introduce breaking changes. We will provide instructions about those changes and instructions on how to address them.

  • Patch releases are cumulative and are based on the most recent feature release within the two most recent major releases. They contain all previously released bug fixes for the release. 

Version Nomenclature 




10.0.000 Major Release with LTS (July 2021)

10.0.001 Fixes (based on 10.0.000)​ 

10.0.002 Fixes (based on 10.0.000, including 10.0.001)​ 


10.1.000 Feature Release​ 

10.2.000 Feature Release​ 

10.3.000 Feature Release​ 


13.0.000 Major release with LTS (~ 4 weeks after release of Angular 13, expected October/November 2021)​ 

13.0.001 Fixes (based on 13.0.000)​ 


14.0.000 Major release with LTS (~ 4 weeks after release of Angular 14, expected April/May 2022)​ 10.x.y will not be supported anymore at this point in time, we will not be publishing fixes based on 10.0.000 anymore.