Release Notes 13.2.000

Version Information

Version Information

Version Information

Release 13.2.000


Bootstrap 4 Upgrade

This release requires to update to Bootstrap Version 4.

See for details on this mandatory step to perform the update on existing projects.


System requirements

An overview of required dependencies and version can be obtained at


Overview of included tickets

Bug Fixes

SCLNG-329 Fixed updating of window title and icon

We fixed an issue where the window title and icon weren’t updated when navigating back from child route to parent.

SCLNG-349 Smart SplitView now honors vertical orientation.

Smart SplitView now supports vertical orientation.

SCLNG-442 Title now displayed in floating windows even if the child table has no records.

Title now displayed in floating windows even if the child table has no records.

SCLNG-449 Fix for SmartLookup showing wrong value

We fixed an issue where a SmartLookup when used within a Smart Viewer, was initially showing the actual value instead of the keyField.

SCLNG-450 SmartComboEditor showed incorrect value in some cases.

We fixed an issue where a Smart Combo Editor used within a Smart Viewer having the keyField (or keyValueField if one is provided) different than the field name as specified in the JSON layout, the Smart Combo Editor as not showing a value when a new record was selected.

SCLNG-450 Cancellability of JSDO GET requests implemented

The cancelCurrentRequest method for JSDO GET requests has been implemented. If called for methods that do not have the setting readRequestsCancellable set to true an error will be thrown.

SCLNG-452 [Smart Grid] Command column button image now supports local images.

The command column button in a Smart Grid now can have the imageUrl set on a local stored image.

{ "type": "command", "width": "50", "form": "product-maintenance/:ProductCode/modules", "text": "View Modules", "imageUrl": "frontend://assets/icons/components_32.png" }


New Feature

SCLNG-383 Smart Menu Tooltip support

The SmartMenu components now can render a tooltip when hovering the mouse over it.

SCLNG-445 Component Weights for Stretch Mode

You can now set a components verticalWeight property to control how much of the available height is used by that component. Weights should be provided on a scale from 1 to 100.



[{ "componentType": "grid", "componentOptions": { "verticalWeight": 70 ... } }, { "componentType": "viewer", "componentOptions": { "verticalWeight": 30 ... } }]

SCLNG-446 New Display Settings for SmartTabFolder

The Smart Tab Folder now provides the ability to choose what to display in the tab header. The options are "image", "label" and "imagelabel" (or imageLabel - so case-insensitive).

When the new attribute is not provided, “imagelabel” is the default.

Sample usage:

{ "componentType": "tabfolder", "componentOptions": { "tabDisplayStyle": "image", ... } }