Release Notes 13.1.000

Version Information

Version Information

Version Information

Release 13.1.000


Bootstrap 4 Upgrade

This release requires to update to Bootstrap Version 4.

See for details on this mandatory step to perform the update on existing projects.


System requirements

An overview of required dependencies and version can be obtained at


Overview of included tickets

Bug Fixes

SCLNG-443 Command column is rendered after the form is reopened in floating-window mode

Command column is now rendered after the form is reopened in floating-window mode.

SCLNG-441 Smart Tab Folder does not react to tab being enabled/disabled

Smart Tab Folder does now reacts to tab being enabled/disabled (enablePage(tab) and disablePage(tab)).

SCLNG-437 New versions of Kendo UI theme packages

The following versions are refenced now:

"@progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap": "^4.42.0",

"@progress/kendo-theme-default": "^4.42.0",

SCLNG-433 SmartCombo Editor substitute now handles empty strings and number “0” correctly

Value determination has been corrected to work with those values.

SCLNG-431 Smart Tab Folder tab icons corrected in floating-window mode

URL computation was corrected to correctly show the icons.

SCLNG-430 SmartToolbar Button image path for HTML layouts fixed

The toolbar attempted to fetch the image from /web/Images/assets/add.png, instead of /assets/add.png.

SCLNG-417 Navigation to defaultRoute after session timeout fixed

After the session has expired or after the user has logged out and then logged in again, the navigation after login now navigates to the defaultRoute instead of /.

SCLNG-404 Smart DataSource entering update-mode after copy/add record is cancelled

Smart DataSource entering update-mode after copy/add record is cancelled

SCLNG-402 Floating Window with a Smart DataSource couldn’t be closed

This has been fixed.

New Feature

SCLNG-419 Abortable JSON requests

You can now optionally enable a confirmation before allowing the user to delete data from a Smart Viewer.

The JSDO interface now adds a clientRequestId to the Backend call.

With this clientRequestId you can now perform an backend call to stop the request:



This is helpfull to cancel long running operations that should be stopped.

SCLNG-48 Time setting support for SmartViewer

We implemented a new inputType “datetime“ that allows the user to also select a time in addition to the date.