Version Information

OpenEdge Release

Version Information

11.3.3, 11.3.4, 11.4, 11.6.2, 11.6.3, 11.7, 11.7.1, 11.7.2,, 11.7.4, 12.0

Release 11.3 #52446@2019-06-11

OpenEdge 12.0 support!

We are please to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.0. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.0 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of May 1st 2019.

OpenEdge 11.7.4 support!

We are please to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 11.7.4. We hereby declare OpenEdge 11.7.4 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of November 5th 2018.

OpenEdge 11.7.3 support!

The previously reported issues with the Progress Developer Studio Visual Designer (Visual Designer related OpenEdge 11.7.3 product alert!!!) has been resolved by Progress Software with Hotfix 007 of OpenEdge 11.7.3. We hereby announce full compatibility of the SmartComponent Library with OpenEdge 

Besides the issue with the Visual Designer however, we have not been aware of any incompatibilities with OpenEdge 11.7.3. 

.NET Framework Version 4.7

.NET 4.7 is not supported with OpenEdge 11.x, see: Is .NET 4.7 certified and supported for OpenEdge? 

Progress has reported severy issues with OpenEdge GUI for .NET and .NET 4.7: GUI .Net Application crashes after .Net upgrade to 4.7

When using the .NET Framework 4.7, please make sure, you upgrade to OpenEdge 11.6.4 or OpenEdge 11.7.2 or later. Also, it may be required to recompile the application on a PC running .NET Framework 4.7 when applications are also executed on a PC with .NET Framework 4.7.

Introducing the SmartComponent Library developer forum

Got questions about using the SmartComponent Library? Wish to discuss feature requests with other users of the SmartComponent Library? To facilitate networking in the growing number of SmartComponent Library users and developers, we've added a developer forum on our new home-page. The developer forum can be found at: 

A login is required to participate in the forum. Don't be shy - create your account today!

Announcing the SmartFramework ERD Designer

We are announcing the availability of the SmartFramework ERD Designer

Release Notes

Following the release of the OpenEdge 11.7 Release we have completed our testing of the SmartComponent Library on this release of Progress and are proud to announce formal support for the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 11.7 with the 2017-04-24 release of the SmartComponent Library. Generally we recommend customers on OpenEdge 11 to upgrade to OpenEdge 11.7 quickly. Starting the 2017-07-14 release we are supporting OpenEdge 11.7 Service Pack 1 (11.7.1).

Starting the 2015-10-09 release the Business Entity Designer will feature a start page with links to most recent release note articles on this site.

With SCL-751 we have adopted native Enums for OpenEdge 11.6. To activate this feature customers must add a definition to products.i. SCL-751 provides details for this.

With SCL-1113 we have modified the templates for SmartWindowForms and SmartTabFolderPages generated from the Business Entity Designer. We have removed the initialization of the viewer controls SmartTableIOState property (value was set to "NoDataSource" within the InitializeComponent method). Customers using their own set of templates should adopt the same fix to their templates.

OpenEdge 11.7.3 compatibility

During our tests on OpenEdge 11.7.3 we have experienced the following issues: 

The issue has been resolved by Progress Software with hotfix 007 for OpenEdge 11.7.3.

OpenEdge 11.7.2 compatibility

During our tests on OpenEdge 11.7.2 we have experienced two issues: 

We consider it mandatory for customers using OpenEdge 11.7.2 to use at least the release #44166@2017-11-27 of the SmartComponent Library. 

Due to an fix for

from Progress Software for in OpenEdge we further recommend all customers to apply this hotfix as well. 

New Versions of Proparse .NET Assemblies (30 December 2018)

We have updated proparse with further enhancements in this release (see Please download the .NET Assemblies ZIP file from our ESD and replace the in your environment with the latest one. The new assembly reference is:

<assembly name=", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cda1b098b1034b24"/>

As proparse is used by our Business Entity Generator, this new version of the Assembly is also relevant for customers not doing GUI for .NET development and require support for parsing new ABL language constructs.

This version of proparse provides additional debug information when errors are thrown from

New Version of the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents Assemly (09 January 2019)

To support the new SmartFilterControl and the "Filter" link between the SmartFilterControl/SmartDynamciFilterControl and a SmartBusinessEntityAdapter or SmartDatasetChildAdapter we have updated the Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll. The new Assembly reference is:

<assembly name="Consultingwerk.SmartComponents, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=10603cb31df311b3"/>

Customers need to update this Assembly in order to compile the latest releases of the SmartComponent Library.

Hybrid Realm now using IAuthenticationService

We've updated the SmartHybridRealm class used for http authentication to leverage the IAuthenticationService. It is therefor required that for AppServers requiring http Authentication (e.g. REST or Web) the correct IAuthenticationService implementation is registered (using service.xml files).

Customers relying on the previous behavior should ensure that the Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authentication.AuthenticationService is regsitered as the IAuthenticationService. This implementation will auhtenticate users against the password stored in the SmartUser database table. 

When users with no Login Company set should be able to login using the SmartHybridRealm, it's required to set the Login Company Tennant Domain (similar to the field in the Login Company Maintenance) in the .restapplicationsettings / .applicationsettings, e.g.:

 "DefaultAuthenticationDomain": "consultingwerk" 

This is required as the Hydrid Realm Interface from Progress does not provide the domain name to the authentication method. 

Web Handler overview

This is an overview of the web handlers supported by this release

handler1=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogWebHandler: /Catalog/{EntityName}
handler2=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CatalogsWebHandler: /Catalogs/{PackageName}
handler3=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.CountWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/count
handler4=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceSubmitWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/SubmitData
handler5=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.InvokeMethodWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}/{MethodName}
handler6=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.ResourceWebHandler: /Resource/{EntityName}
handler7=Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.WebHandler.BusinessServicesWebHandler: /BusinessServices/{OutputFormat}/{PackageName}
handler8=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuWebHandler: /SmartMenu/{MenuStructureId}
handler9=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMenuStructureWebHandler: /SmartMenuStructure
handler10=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartRoutesWebHandler: /SmartRoutes
handler11=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName}/{DetailTemplate}
handler12=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler13=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartGridWebHandler: /SmartViews/Grid/{CustomViewName}
handler14=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler15=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartViewerWebHandler: /SmartViewer/Viewer/{ObjectName}
handler16=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{EntityName}/{ViewName}
handler17=Consultingwerk.Web2.Services.SmartViewsHandler.SmartFormWebHandler: /SmartForm/{FormTemplate}/{ObjectName}
handler18=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartMessageWebHandler: /SmartMessage/{MessageGroup}/{MessageNumber}
handler19=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageWebHandler: /Image/{FileName}
handler20=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartValueListWebHandler: /ValueList/{ValueList}
handler21=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentsWebHandler: /Attachments/{Table}/{KeyValues}
handler22=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartAttachmentWebHandler: /Attachment/{Guid}
handler23=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionContextWebHandler: /SessionContext
handler24=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties/{PropertyName}
handler25=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ContextPropertiesWebHandler: /ContextProperties
handler26=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SessionInfoWebHandler: /SessionInfo
handler27=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.FileSearchWebHandler: /FileSearch/{FileName}
handler28=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.ExecuteAblWebHandler: /ExecuteAbl
handler29=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartLanguagesWebHandler: /Languages
handler30=Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestEntitiesWebHandler: /Entities
handler31=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerWebHandler: /Swagger/{EntityName}
handler32=Consultingwerk.OERA.Swagger.SwaggerRestEntitiesWebHandler: /SwaggerEntities/{OutputType}
handler33=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck/{ObjectName}
handler34=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler: /TokenSecurityCheck
handler35=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartEntityTableMappingHandler: /EntityTableMapping/{EntityName}/{TableName}/{UiTypeCodes}
handler36=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeRootNodeWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeRootNode/{rootnodeid}
handler37=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartTreeChildNodesWebHandler: /SmartViews/TreeChildNodes/{parentnodeid}
handler38=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartSecurityCheckWebHandler: /IsRestricted/{SecurityRealmCode}/{SecurityItemGuid}
handler39=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.SmartFieldSecurityCheckWebHandler: /RestrictedFields/{TableName}
handler40=Consultingwerk.Web2.WebHandler.GetImageNamesHandler: /ImageNames

UTF-8 based deployments available

Starting August 14th 2016 we ship our source code also as UTF-8 encoded. The ZIP files ending with contain the source code encoded with that code page. The source code in the remaining archives is still encoded in ISO8859-1. Also on Github there is a new branch containing the OpenEdge 11 based source code in UTF-8.

Related article (Progress K-Base): How to get Progress Developer Studio to save in UTF-8 encoding

New Feature Documentation

Download Link

Overview of included tickets


SCL-2602 Fixed wrong Error Message in SwaggerRestEntitiesWebHandler.cls


We've resolved a wrong error message text in the RESTful Swagger (OpenAPI) Web Handler that was shown when the output type was not passed in as html or json.

SCL-2608 RESTful Swagger (OpenAPI) API documentation is now using the SERIALIZE-NAME of fields for filters


Previously the Swagger documentation for a RESTful service was using the temp-table field name in the list of filters. This has been fixed now, so that the SERIALIZE-NAME is used consistently as the external representation of a field.

SCL-2610 Swagger (OpenAPI) now uses correct protocol (http/https) in the servers array


Previously the Swagger API documentation for RESTful entities was always showing http as the protocol in the servers combo-box. We've fixed this. The documentation will now present the same protocol used to retrieve the API documentation.

SCL-2645 Fixed a typo in the repository lookup generator plugin of the Business Entity Designer


We've fixed a typo in the repository lookup generator plugin of the Business Entity Designer referencing an invalid attribute name LookupLeyValueColumn in the repository.


SCL-2641 Added new Base-Class for Parameter Objects


Parameter Objects generated by the scl-gen Parameter script ( ) are now using the new base class Consultingwerk.ParameterObject. This base class implements a reflection based version of the Equals () and ToString () method overrides.

SCL-2646 Added suipport for updatable browsers to the repository rendering routine


When rendering GUI Grids based on repository data, we're now creating an updatable grid when a TableIO link to the Grid is present.

SCL-2647 Implemented rendering support for complete set of SmartBusinessEntityLookup properties


We've completed the properties supported by the rendering of SmartBusinessEntityLookup instances from MetaBusinessEntityLookup components in the repository.

SCL-2648 Additional signatures for SmartFormFactory:CreateInstance


Added the following two variants of the CreateIntance method to simplify it's usage

     * Purpose: Creates a Form instance with the given parameters
     * Notes:
     * @param pcClassName The name of the Form to launch (static class name or repository object name)
     * @return The reference to the new form instance
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC Progress.Windows.Form CreateInstance (pcClassName AS CHARACTER):

     * Purpose: Creates a Form instance with the given parameters
     * Notes:
     * @param pcClassName The name of the Form to launch (static class name or repository object name)
     * @param pcCharacterParameterValue The optional character parameter value to the form
     * @return The reference to the new form instance
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC Progress.Windows.Form CreateInstance (pcClassName AS CHARACTER,
                                                               pcCharacterParameterValue AS CHARACTER):

SCL-2649 Added additional output to the DynamicBrowserRenderer's message about invalid columns


.When the DynamicBrowserRenderer cannot render a column because it's not provided by the SmartDataSource, we're now providing additional details in the error message:

SCL-2651 Provide support in JSDO Generic Service for Business Tasks implementing IBusinessEntity


The JSDO Generic Service can now be used to expose Business Tasks implementing the Business Entity Interface. The following changes were required to support this:
a) Introduction of the new Interface Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor.IProvidesBusinessEntityDescriptor implemented by the BusinessEntity class. This Interface now allows to recognize if a Business Task does not provide a Business Entity Descriptor. This was required to resolve some dependencies in the generic service and catalog generation on the business entity.
b) Implemented a new method TypeOf on the ServiceManager class. This method allows to query if a Business Service implementation (name mapping is supported) implements the given Interface

 * Purpose: Checks if the given Business Service is TYPE-OF the given class
 * Notes:
 * @param pcServiceName The name of the Business Service
 * @param poClass The class to verify
 * @return Logical value indicating of the Business Service is TYPE-OF the given class
                                     poClass AS Progress.Lang.Class):

c) During update Business Tasks would typically propagate changes to a Business Enity for processing and on return the ERROR-STRING of the Business Entity records to the Business Task records, a new BufferHelper API has been implemented:

 * Purpose: Copies the error-status from the source buffer to the target buffer
 * Notes:   Also sets the buffer's Dataset's error attribute on the target buffer
 * @param phFromBuffer The handle of the source Buffer
 * @param phToBuffer The handle of the target Buffer
 * @return Logical value indicating if the target dataset has the error attribute set
                                              phToBuffer AS HANDLE):

New Feature

SCL-2623 Implemented a persistent cache for menu function types


We have implemented a persistent cache for menu function types used by the Menu Function Maintenance. Previously on first run in every session we've been seeking the code base for compatible classes which can be rather time-consuming. Now this is supported by the.functioncallcache.xml service. We will now only seek for classes in the code base when the file is not present or the user hits the refresh button in the new menu function dialog.

SCL-2624 Automatic SmartLink management for dynamic forms


We have implemented a routine to automatically activate TableIO and Navigation Links in a Dynamic Form based on the selected tab page.
This behavior can be controlled based on the following properties of the MetaForm class
- AutomaticNavigationLinks
- AutomaticTableIoLinks

SCL-2652 Providing a base class for Business Tasks implementing the IBusinessEnttiy Interface


Implemented the Consultingwerk.OERA.DataMaintenanceBusinessTask to simplify development of Business Tasks implementing the IBusinessEntity Interface to support data retrieval and update though the JSDO generic service.
This base class extends the BusinessTask base class and requires the following abstract methods to be implemented:

     * Purpose:  Fetch data from the Data Access object
     * Notes:
     * @param poFetchDataRequest The IFetchDataRequest object with the parameters for this call
    METHOD PROTECTED ABSTRACT VOID FetchData (poFetchDataRequest AS IFetchDataRequest) .

     * Purpose: Processes changes
     * Notes:   This method saves changes contained in the dataset currently present
     *          in the Business Task