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SCL-2316 Visual Designer Errors after upgrading to OpenEdge


One customer has reported issues with the Visual Designer after upgrading to OpenEdge We've been able to reproduce those errors in one virtualized environment (Amazon EC2), but not when working locally on our PC.

The issue seen were 15580 runtime errors (.NET is attempting to call a method in an ABL object that inherits from .NET. The object is either a form that has already been disposed or another object that has been explicitly deleted from the ABL.).

It's suspected that those issues were caused by the timing when the Visual Designer was reloading the design canvas.

Progress Software has confirmed a bug in OpenEdge which is expected to be fixed with OpenEdge 11.7.4

SCL-2388 Fixed an issue fetching data from the ObjectMasterBusinessEntity


We've resolved an issue caused by previous optimization in the ObjectMasterDataAccess class. Errors seen where

"eSmartObjectMaster objectname must be a quoted constant or an unabbreviated, unambiguous buffer/field reference for buffers known to query . (7328)"

"Unable to prepare query: FOR EACH SmartObjectMaster WHERE (eSmartObjectMaster.objectname Begins "main") , FIRST SmartObjectType WHERE SmartObjectType.ObjectTypeGuid = SmartObjectMaster.ObjectTypeGuid,FIRST SmartCustomizationResult WHERE SmartCustomizationResult.CustomizationResultGuid = SmartObjectMaster.CustomizationResultGuid OUTER-JOIN,FIRST SmartModule WHERE SmartModule.ModuleGuid = SmartObjectMaster.ModuleGuid,FIRST b_DataSource_SmartObjectMaster WHERE b_DataSource_SmartObjectMaster.ObjectMasterGuid = SmartObjectMaster.DesignTimeDataSourceGuid OUTER-JOIN BY SmartObjectMaster.ObjectName"

SCL-2391 Fixed System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when dragging a field onto itself in the Reorder Fields Dialog


We've fixed an issue in the Business Entity Designer's "Reorder Fields" Dialog. We issue was seen when starting to reorder columns using Drag and Drop but dragging a column onto itself in the end.

SCL-2392 Fixed error when creating SecurityAssignment using REST POST method


The RestEntitiesWebHandler was only updating fields during an HTTP POST, PUT or PATCH request which have been part of the default view for the @RestAddress annotation. This was not correct. We have now resolved that so that all fields can be updated using the RestEntitiesWebHandler.

SCL-2393 Fixed issue that Field initial value is not correctly set when inserting a field from foreign table


We have resolved an issue in the Business Entity Designer, where adding an existing database field to an existing temp-table did not keep the InitialValueUnknown flag of the new field.


SCL-2374 WinKit RenderedBrowseControl: Split initialization of Query and Columns out of class Constructor


We have now added a new method to the RenderedBrowseControl which allows to re-initialize a RenderedBrowseControl instance with a new Query object handle. This allows to reuse a single RenderedBrowseControl instance when the original ABL code was assigning different queries object handles (as part of a users filtre selection) to the original browse widget.

Code Block
        Purpose: Initializes the Grid based on the RenderedBrowseContext instance
        Notes:   Invoked from the Constructor. Allows to re-initialize the Grid when
                 either the Query or the Browse columns have changed
        @param poContext An instance of a Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Controls.RenderedBrowseContext that contains the settings for this RenderedBrowseControl instance
    METHOD PUBLIC VOID InitializeGrid (poContext AS RenderedBrowseContext):


SCL-2389 Removed dependency from the LogManagerSettings Control to the ILoggingPresetProvider


Initially the LogManagerSettings Control was creating an instance of the LoggingPresetProvider when no ILoggingPresetProvider was yet registered in the ServiceContainer. As the LoggingPresetProvider implementation requires an IConfigurationProvider instance, this was a problem for customers no using an IConfigurationProvider.

We've resolved this dependency now.

Customers using the LoggingPresetProvider need to create an instance before instantiating the LogManagerSettings Control, e.g. through a services.xml file.

New Feature

SCL-2128 Implemented JSON Rendering for Custom Toolbar Buttons


The Rendering of JSON Form layouts for our Angular and NativeScript frontend does now support custom buttons in the Toolbar component.

Those custom buttons are defined in JSON files referenced in the .restapplicationsettings file like this:

Code Block
    "Web2ToolbarButtonDefinitions": {
        "tableio": "Consultingwerk/Web2/Services/Rendering/default-buttons.json",
        "web2demo": "Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/Web2/web2demo-buttons.json"

In those JSON files buttons or combo-boxes are defined like this:

Code Block
    "customer-orders": {
        "buttonType": "button",
        "buttonName": "customer-orders",
        "buttonLabel": "Orders",
        "buttonTooltip": "Show orders of the selected customer",
        "buttonImage": "Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/Web2/Images/package.png"
    "customer-credithold": {
        "buttonType": "button",
        "buttonName": "customer-credithold",
        "buttonLabel": "Credit hold",
        "buttonTooltip": "Puts the customer on credit hold",
        "buttonImage": "Consultingwerk/SmartComponentsDemo/Web2/Images/sign_stop.png"
    "country-combo": {
        "buttonType": "combo",
        "buttonName": "country-combo",
        "listItems": [
                "value": "AT",
                "text": "Austria"
                "value": "AU",
                "text": "Australia"
                "value": "BE",
                "text": "Belgium"
                "value": "CH",
                "text": "Switzerland"
                "value": "DE",
                "text": "Germany"
                "value": "DK",
                "text": "Denmark"
                "value": "ES",
                "text": "Spain"
                "value": "FI",
                "text": "Finland"
                "value": "FR",
                "text": "France"
                "value": "GB",
                "text": "Great Britan"
                "value": "IT",
                "text": "Italia"
                "value": "NL",
                "text": "The Netherlands"
                "value": "NO",
                "text": "Norway"
                "value": "SE",
                "text": "Sweden"
                "value": "USA",
                "text": "United States of America"

The MetaToolbar instance references those buttons in the ToolbarButtons property. The default buttons (TableIO) and a separator are defined in the file Consultingwerk/Web2/Services/Rendering/default-buttons.json

SCL-2141 Implemented a Repository Designer for Grid Controls


MetaGrid masters can now be designed using a Container Designer Component. This component will show up on the Design Tab in the Object Master Maintenance and allows simple Drag and Drop arranging of Columns originating from the Design Data Source.

SCL-2291 RestServerSessionActivator now returns an HTTP 401 status code when the client principal session is expired.


The configuration of an ABL web application in PASOE supports two different time out values for a login session:

a) OEClientPrincipalFilter.expires=60 in the file controlling the life time of the client-principal object.

This setting defines the absolute time span from the login until the client-principal provided by PASOE expires in seconds.

b) in web.xml

Code Block
  <!-- ==================== Default Session Configuration ================= -->
  <!-- You can set the default session timeout (in minutes) for all newly   -->
  <!-- created sessions by modifying the value below.                       -->


which specifies a value in minutes after the last request.

While Tomcat (PASOE) handles the session-timeout value automatically, the OEClientPrincipalFilter.expires needs to be handled by the application. We're doing so now by raising the HTTP 401 status code when requests are made after the client-principal has expired.

SCL-2394 Implemented a service for sending Push notifications using Google Firebase


The push notification service implements sending of push notifications to mobile devices using Google's Firebase. The implementation requires the development and deployment of a service on Firebase. A sample implementation can be found here: [ http s://| http s://]

From the ABL side, the service requires configuration of the Firebase service endpoint and in this implementation an authentication token which will be send as the authentication header in the http request. This configuration is obtained from the IConfigurationProvider service (.applicationsettings / .restapplicationsettings file).

Code Block
    "firebasePushService": {
        "orderstatus": {
            "endpoint": "",
            "authentication": "Bearer ckh0Qnl5NiVFYiRrbSNUX0MkRUMzUA=="

To send a JSON object as a push notification the following IPushNotificationService provides the Send() method with expects an IPushNotification argument. The JsonPushNotification class is a sample implementation for a JSON based push notification.

Code Block

        DEFINE VARIABLE oPushService  AS IPushNotificationService NO-UNDO .
        DEFINE VARIABLE oNotification AS IPushNotification        NO-UNDO .
        DEFINE VARIABLE oJson         AS JsonObject               NO-UNDO .

        SUPER:SaveChanges () .

                           OR ROW-STATE (eOrder) = ROW-MODIFIED:

            BufferHelper:FindBeforeBuffer (BUFFER eOrder:HANDLE) .

            IF eOrder.OrderStatus <> eOrderBefore.OrderStatus THEN DO:
                oPushService = {Consultingwerk/get-service.i IPushNotificationService
                                                             "NEW FirebasePushNotificationService ()"} .

                oJson = NEW JsonObject () .
                oJson:Add ("shortText":U, SUBSTITUTE ("Order status of order &1 has changed.":U,
                                                   eOrder.Ordernum)) .
                oJson:Add ("longText":U, SUBSTITUTE ("Order status of order &1 has changed to &2":U,
                                                   eOrder.Ordernum, eOrder.OrderStatus)) .
                oJson:Add ("title":U, "Sports2000 Inc.":U) .

                JsonHelper:AddBufferFields (BUFFER eOrder:HANDLE,
                                            "OrderStatus,OrderNum,CustNum":U) .

                oNotification = NEW JsonPushNotification (oJson, "orderstatus":U) .

                oPushService:Send (oNotification).

