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Announcing the SmartFramework ERD Designer


SCL-2357 Wrong variable used in TableModel class resulted in error "Unable to convert SET-PARAMETER value to datatype passed. (10059)"


We have resolved an issue where the invocation of the FetchDataByKeyTable method using a DatasetModel caused the error

No Format
Unable to convert SET-PARAMETER value to datatype passed. (10059)

CallStack from ABL error object:
--> FillByKeyTable Consultingwerk.OERA.TableModel at line 2412 


SCL-2353 Added ArrayHelper:Message variant for HANDLE[]


Aded the following new method to the ArrayHelper:

Code Block
     * Purpose: Displays a message with the items of the given character array
     * Notes:
     * @param pcPrefix The prefix to add to each item (e.g. array name)
     * @param phArray The Handle Array
                                       phArray AS HANDLE EXTENT):


SCL-2354 WinKit IEmbeddedWindowForm now inherit from IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager


The Interface has already been a superset of the IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager. We've now finally added the inheritance between the two interfaces to reduce the number of CAST's which are required when working with the WinKit.

SCL-2355 Added UltraToolbarsHelper support for Office 2010 style Application Menu


Implemented method to render ABL MENU-BAR as Office 2010 style Application menu

Code Block
     * Purpose: Builds a Ribbon ApplicationMenu structure with the structure
     *          of an ABL menu-bar
     * Notes:
     * @param poForm The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC VOID BuildRibbonApplicationMenu2010 (poForm AS IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager):


SCL-2356 RestAddressProvider now provides more details in error when .classpath file contains invalid folders


We have improved the error handling here, so that the error message now indicates the invalid entry in the .classpath file. This will simplify locating the configuration problem.

SCL-2361 BusinessEntityDesigner now allows case-sensitive modification of SERIALIZE-NAME during code generation


The Business Entity Designer does now support generating a SERIALIZE-NAME that only differs in the case form the field name. Previously a case-insensitive comparison was performed to decide of the SERIALIZE-NAME attribute of a temp-table field had to be written to the source code.

SCL-2364 Implemented a new BufferHelper API which determines the type of a buffer


Implemented the following new method in the BufferHelper which returns an Enum value representing the type of a given buffer: Database, Temp-Table or Before-Table

Code Block
     * Purpose: Determines the type of a Buffer
     * Notes:   Database, Temp-Table or Before-Table
     * @param phBuffer The buffer to determine the type of
     * @return The type of the Buffer as a BufferTypeEnum value
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC BufferTypeEnum BufferType (phBuffer AS HANDLE):


SCL-2365 Implemented JsonHelper method that build delimited lists of the given attributes of a JsonObject


Added the following new methods to the JsonHelper class

Code Block
     * Purpose: Returns a delimited list with the values of the given
     *          attributes of the JsonObject
     * Notes:
     * @param poJsonObject The reference to the JsonObject
     * @param pcAttributeNames The comma delimited list with the names of the JSON attributes
     * @return The delimited list with the values
    METHOD PUBLIC STATIC CHARACTER ListFromAttributeValues (poJsonObject AS JsonObject,
                                                            pcAttributeNames AS CHARACTER):


SCL-2366 Implemented scl-gen for Parameter objects with Interface (read-only or updatable)


We have implemented the following new scaffolding templates ( ):

Code Block
scl-gen ParameterWithInterface SampleParameter Value1 Value2
scl-gen ParameterWithReadOnlyInterface SampleParameter Value1 Value2
scl-gen Interface SampleInterface Value1 Value2
scl-gen ReadOnlyInterface SampleInterface Value1 Value2

These templates can be used to generate Interface types and serializable parameter objects implementing those interfaces.

New Feature

SCL-1994 RESTful services now provide field security based on existing security realm


The RESTful services now utilize the SFV and SFS security realms. Fields which are not authorized using the SFV realm will be excluded from the responses of a RESTful entity. Fields which are not authorized using the SFS or SFV realms will cause an http 403 error when the user tries to update those fields using a POST, PUT or PATCH method.

SCL-2000 Implemented logging presets


The Consultingwerk.Util.LogManager class now supports setting the LOG-MANAGER:LOG-ENTRY-TYPES and the LogManager:CustomLogEntryTypes using presets provided by the IConfigurationProvider service (e.g. .applicationsettings file).

The .applicationsettings file can provide the logging presets using a nested JSON Structure:

Code Block
    "loggingPresets": {
        "query": {
            "LogEntryTypes": "QryInfo:4,4GLTrace:2",
            "CustomLogEntryTypes": "DataAccess"
        "sample": {
            "LogEntryTypes": "4GLMessages:2,4GLTrans:2",
            "CustomLogEntryTypes": "ABC,DEF,GHI"

The logging presets can be activated using the LoggingPreset property:

Code Block
Consultingwerk.Util.LogManager:LoggingPreset = "query".

The LogManagerSettings user control also supports selection of the active logging preset in a combo-box.

SCL-2359 Implement MetaGrid properties rowTemplate and rowDetailTemplate in the repository


To facilitate a common two label stack-layout in the NativeScript Grids, the JSON template for grids, both repository and annotations based, should have four new character properties:

* rowImageTemplate
* rowTemplate
* rowDetailTemplate
* rowBadgeTemplate

When the rowTemplate is not set by a developer, the NativeScript rending will derive a column layout based on the Grid columns.