Versions Compared


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SCL-3026 Rendering of the server-side-filtering attribute for Angular Lookups


The Angular Lookup now supports the rendering of the server-side-filtering attribute based on the ServerSideFiltering attribute in the Repository.

SCL-3028 Angular Repository Rendering for logical fields as fill-in


The Angular Rendering of viewers not supports rendering of logical MetaDataFields as a fill-in respecting an ABL-style format (e.g. male/female).
The data field is rendered that way, when the ViewAs attribute is set to fill-in and the Format attribute is set. In addition the Mandatory attribute is honored to control if the empty value is accepted as well.

New Feature

SCL-2993 Implemented Business Task to support View Management from Angular UI


To support the management of grid/browser views from the Angular UI, we have now implemented the following RESTful endpoints.

Compute the Profile Key

Based on EntityTable, EntityView, EntityName and an optional Context:
GET /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/BuildProfileKey?EntityTable=xxx&EntityView=xxx&EntityName=xxx
POST /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/BuildProfileKey
http://localhost:8820/web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/BuildProfileKey ?EntityName=Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity&EntityTable=eCustomer&EntityView=eSalesrep
Alternatively POST a JSON Object, with the same properties.

Get all stored grid views for the current user

Based on the UserProfileKey
GET /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews?UserProfileKey=xxx
http://localhost:8820/web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews ?UserProfileKey=Consultingwerk.SmartComponentsDemo.OERA.Sports2000.CustomerBusinessEntity:eCustomer,eSalesrep
Alternatively POST a JSON Object, with the same property.

Access a stored view:

Delete, based on the UserProfileGuid

DELETE /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/{UserProfileGuid}

Get stored grid view

Based on the UserProfileGuid (response of above call)
GET /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews/{UserProfileGuid}
http://localhost:8820/web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews /c65ba1bf-7861-4a8e-6614-45f8a42c01f8

Code Block

  "SerializedType": "Consultingwerk.Windows.Util.UltraGridView",
  "VisibleColumns": "Flags,SmartComments,SmartAttachments,CustNum,Name,Balance,State,City,RepName,Country",
  "ColumnWidths": "41,23,23,80,341,79,98,98,263,118",
  "SortedColumns": "Name,ASCENDING",
  "SmartFilter": "CustNum\tEQ\t81700"

Update a stored view

Based on the UserProfileGuid in the URL, VisibleColumns, ColumnWidths, SortedColumns, GroupByColumns and SmartFilter as a JSON Object in the payload.
PUT /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews/{UserProfileGuid}

Store a new view

POST /web/Entities/SmartFramework/UserProfiles/StoredViews
Based on VisibleColumns, ColumnWidths, SortedColumns, GroupByColumns, SmartFilter, ViewName, ProfileKey and GroupGuid as a JSON Object in the payload. The ViewName is the name of the stored view, Profile Key as retrieved by the endpoint above. The GroupGuid is optional, when the View should be stored for a user group.

SCL-3006 Support for default activity for workflows


Workflows can now contain a default status named "*". The purpose of the default status is to allow status activities from any other workflow status. So a workflow activity from "*" to "Shipped" allows transition from any status to "Shipped".

SCL-3007 Workflow maintenance now visualizes the workflow as a diagram


The workflow maintenance now visualizes the workflow in a diagram.
Image Modified


SCL-3027 Business Entities Designer's Repository Viewer Generator now supports using Entity/Field Mapping


When generating repository based viewers from the Business Entity Designer, the Entity/Field Mapping is respected. This allows to define standard lookup components or alternative editors that are used based on a field name mapping.
e.g.: *.Salesrep -> SallesrepLookup
The Salesrep field in any Business Entity Tables will be rendered as the named lookup control.