Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Further details: log4j CVE-2021-44228

OpenEdge 12.6 support!

We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.6. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.6 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of  October 4th 2022.

OpenEdge 12.2 support!

We are pleased to announce that we are not aware of any issues using the SmartComponent Library on OpenEdge 12.2. We hereby declare OpenEdge 12.2 fully supported for the SmartComponent Library as of the release of April 09th 2020.


SCL-3989 Interface Generator now omits ABSTRACT keyword and INITIAL phrase


The Interface Generator (scl-gen-interface) now omits the ABSTRACT keyword and the INITIAL phrase from methods or properties added to the Interface source code. Both options are not accepted by the ABL syntax when used in Interfaces.


SCL-3819 Improved DROP AREA in setup.xml


When the current SmartDB is not CCS-BSA (basic-storage-areas) spec compliant, the SmartComponent Libraries setup.xml script removes the AREA statements from the delta.df file before loading it in order to add the tables in the standard “Schema Area“ area.

The ANT script has been improved to not remove fields like the following because they have been matching the AREA keyword.

No Format
ADD FIELD "productArea" OF "zTable" AS character
  FORMAT "x(20)"
  LABEL "product Area"
  ORDER 120


SCL-3907 Added support for throwerrors option to the template scripts for SmartFramework data import and export


We have extended the template scripts for the SmartFramework data import and export scripts with support for the throwerrors option introduced in .

The modified scripts can be found as version 1.1.0 here:

SCL-3945 Scheduler Service now allows to restart a failed job


The SmartFramework scheduler now supports to restart a failed job. A button has been added to the Scheduler Job Status Monitor that allows to restart a failed job.

Restarting a failed job is basically achieved by copying the SmartSchedulerJobStatus record with the appropriate status.

SCL-3988 Implemented interfaces for DatasetModels and TableModels


To facilitate the use of Dataset- and TableModels through a factory, we have now introduced the following Interfaces

* Consultingwerk.OERA.ITableModel
* Consultingwerk.OERA.IDatasetModel

implemented by the TableModel and DatasetModel base classes.

We have further adopted all parameters that have been defined as DatasetModel or TableModel types to the new interfaces. This includes ActionType, DatasetAssert, BufferAssert and the QuestionProvider classes.

SCL-3991 Fixed issues with repositioning labels of view-as text controls after resize


We have resolved an issue that was causing misalignment of Label Controls of data fields rendered with the view-as text option in a viewer after resizing the viewer.

SCL-3993 Added support for setting imageUrl when rendering a command-button in an Angular Grid


When rendering a command button in an Angular grid, the ImagePath attribute of the Button in the repository will be used to set the value for the imageUrl attribute.

SCL-3994 Added support for setting the filterable property on the column of an Angular grid


When the AllowRowFiltering attribute of a grid column is set to false, we’re using this value for the filterable property of the grid column.

SCL-3995 Improve support for unknown values in BufferHelper:FieldValueList


We have improved the support for the unknown value in the BufferHelper:FieldValueList method. Instead of returning the complete method result as ?, individual values will be pasted as “?” in the method result.

SCL-3996 BufferHelper:AllFieldNames now optionally qualifies the field names with the buffer name


We have introduced an optional logical parameter to the BufferHelper:AllFieldNames method.

This parameter controls if field names returned will be qualified with the buffer name.

New Feature

SCL-3980 Implemented support for date/datetime formats on Smart Grid column


We have added a new Attribute to the MetaField class in the repository. This attribute can optionally be used to specify the Kendo UI format to be applied when displaying the field in a grid or viewer. See for details on the Kendo UI field formats.


SCL-3304 PASOE management script scl-pasoe-trim has ability to terminate/trim a single agent or agent session


The scl-pasoe-trim script now supports the ability to trim a single agent, or a single agent session within an agent. A new {{-sessionid}} parameter allows the specification of an integer agent session ID. This parameter interacts with the {{-agentpid}} parameter as per the table below.

|| ||*-agentid yes*||*-agentid no*||
||*-sessionid yes*|{{TrimAgentSession()}} is called; trims a single session|{{TrimAgents()}} is called; trims all agents|
||*-sessionid no*|{{TrimAgent()}} is called; trims a single agent|{{TrimAgents()}} is called; trims all agents|

Additional termination options are available. These are all optional. values. The termination options are now reported in the output as part of a {{options}} field, when an agent or agent session is terminated.

||*Option*||*Valid values*||*Notes*||
|-terminateopt|0..2|Terminate options, represented by the Consultingwerk.Studio.Pasoe.TerminationOptions enum. A non-zero value is used as the {{terminateOpt}} parameter on the request to trim an agent session.|
|-waitfinish|0..|Values are expected in milliseconds. A non-zero value is used as the {{waitToFinish}} parameter on the request on the request to trim an agent.|
|-waitstop|0..|Values are expected in milliseconds. A non-zero value is used as the {{waitAfterStop}}parameter on the request on the request to trim an agent.|

A side-effect of this change is that the scl-pasoe-agentsessions script also supports the {{-sessionid}} parameter, allowing the script to return information about a single agent session.