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SCL-3403 Fixed missing SmartSupportedInstanceObject record in deployment to customer


We have resolved an issue with missing data in our deployment. The missing data was preventing a customer to add an dockable pane instance to a repository based form.


SCL-3393 Enhanced QueryString error message


We have enhanced the error message raised when the Data-Source query of a DataAccess class cannot be processed to include the name(s) of the Data-Source buffers along with the client's request query string, source-default query and prepare-query string.

SCL-3398 Implemented further options when SmartBusinessEntityAdapter submits changes


We have added the new event BeforeSubmitChangesToBackend with the event args class BeforeSubmitChangesToBackendEventArgs to the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter class.
This event is raised before the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter submits changes to the backend. Through properties of the event arg a developer can control:
- cancelling the submit operation
- sending the request to a different class name (e.g. a Business Task instead of the Business Entity), and/or a different method
- sending the complete Dataset from the client to the backend, instead of changes only

SCL-3400 Improved ServiceInterface invokable method and business task invocation


The Service Interface InvokeMethod and InvokeTask (dynamic-invoke-workaround.i) use

Code Block

oMethod = AblReflectionHelper:GetInvokableMethod (oBusinessEntity:GetClass(), pcMethodName, 1) .

to determine the method reference in the Business Services based on the number of dataset parameters. This was a rather expensive method, as it's using a GenericList to retrieve all methods with the given name first.
We have be improved the AblRefectionHelper to return the method without relying on AblReflectionHelper:GetMethodsByName.

SCL-3401 Implemented JsonSerializable support for Progress.Lang.Enum properties


Previously our JsonSerailizable class supported serialization of properties that are of a native Enum type - however not serialization of properties defined as the class Progress.Lang.Enum. For those we now serialize the value as
This allows for deserialization as we know the enum member type as well. The serialization of Properties defined as actual Enums has not changed. Those will be serialized just by the Enum member name.

SCL-3402 Added new method to GenericDictionary that retrieves an item by the key without failing


We have added a new method to the GenericDictionary classes. The new method GetItemOrUnknown retrieves an item from the dictionary by the key. Difference to the classic GetItem method is that it does not fail when the key is not a valid key in the dictionary.
This can speed up applications that otherwise would have to call ContainsKey and then GetItem to avoid an error being thrown.

SCL-3404 Exposing launch once/multiple to angular clients through Menu structure


The maintenance of menu-functions for the Angular user interface now contains a new property that controls if a form should be launched only once or multiple. This information is also returned with the menu structure to the client.

SCL-3414 Add support for OpenEdge 12.4 to ProVersion Enum, Business Entity Designer config and CLI tools


In preparation for the release of OpenEdge 12.4 we have added support for OpenEdge 12.4 to the ProVersion Enum, the batch scripts launching various command-line utilities and the Business Entity Designer launcher configuration.

New Feature

SCL-3394 Rename/move utility for Class Files


We have implemented a new class that supports rename and move operations for class files: Consultingwerk.Studio.Refactor.RenameMove
This class has two public methods: RenameClass and MoveClass. Those methods accepts the .cls file name of a class and the new class name (for rename class) or the new .cls file name (for moving).
THe utility will refactor the class name and package in the classes source code and move/rename the .cls file.
The utility is based on recent modifications to the and thus requires Version of that assembly.