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SCL-136 Resolved: QueryString - ParseQuery: A Query with brackets is parsed in the wrong way so that it is broken and can not be executed after being build (BuildQueryString)


We have resolved issues in the QueryString class used by the DataAccess class to parse the consumers query string and merge it with the Source Default Query. These issues caused problems when parsing queries with nested pairs of parentheses under certain conditions resulting in invalid query strings passed to the QUERY-PREPARE method.

SCL-3261 Order of call graph nodes now matches first appearance in source


The call graph tree view now uses the order of calls appearing in the source code to order the nodes in the tree view.

SCL-3267 Resolved error in SmartBusinessEntityAdapter:RefetchCurrentRow method


We have resolved an issue in the RefreshCurentRow method of the SmartBusinessEntityAdpater. The issue was causing a runtime error due to a typo in the source code of the method.

SCL-3278 Reoslve issue in QueryString class, causing parsing issues with query strings with an unquoted ? value


When adding QueryExpression's to a ListQueryExpression and the secondoperand has an unknown value the GetExpression method of the ListExpression returns an expression where the unknown value is not quoted.
The ParseQuery method in the QueryString class was not able to handle this resulting in the following error:

No Format

** Array subscript 0 is out of range. (26)


SCL-3291 Root Node Consultingwerk.Framework.SessionInfo data is not complete


We have resolved issues with the drilling down in the Angular version of the Session Info configuration tree view.


SCL-3091 Extended Callgraph with support for ADM1 RUN dispatch ("...").


We have extended the call graph utility with support for recognizing ADM1 style RUN dispatch ("") calls.

SCL-3239 The call graph tree view now supports Database-Triggers as calls


Database schema triggers are not reported as calls from the database statements causing triggers to execute.

SCL-3250 Call graph tree view now suppresses procedure file nodes in when hiding uncalled routines


When uncalled routines are hidden in the call graph tree the notes representing the procedure or class files of the called routine are not required and actually confusing - as this appears like an actual bit of code executed during the call into an internal procedure/method.
We are now hiding those nodes. Instead (also used when not hiding the uncalled path) we'll be adding another column to the tree representing the relative procedure name or class name (including package) containing the called routine.

SCL-3255 Now selecting complete node text when navigating to a proparse node in the linked ABL Editor


We're now selecting the full text of a node when navigating from the Proparse Tree to the Node in the Proparse treeview form. This will improve ability to spot the cursor location. Previously only the I - bar cursor was positioned before the keyword.

SCL-3263 Call graph tree now optionally treats blocks as routines


Blocks (FOR EACH, REPEAT, DO) are now optionally considered routines as well.
When refactoring larger routines, it is expected that the qualification (UI, DB, DB-Transaction) may be distinct for some blocks in the routine.

SCL-3265 SmartException now returns MessageBoxStyle and template to REST client


We have added properties for the MessageBoxStyle and MessageTemplate to the SmartException class. Those properties are also returned to REST clients when exceptions are serialized to JSON.

SCL-3266 The ServiceInterfaceMethodNotAuthorizedException now provides similar properties as the SmartException to return the message box style etc.


We have added the same properties to the ServiceInterfaceMethodNotAuthorizedException that are available in the SmartException class. This allows frontend to handle presentation of issues accordingly.

SCL-3272 Added SecondOperatorAs ... methods for all primitive DataTypes in QueryExpression


.We have added further methods like SecondOperatorAsCharacter to the QueryExpression class. Previously those methods have only been available to return Character or Integer values. Now this is supported for all ABL primitive data types.

SCL-3274 Added method to retrieve ABL error message description to ErrorHelper


We have added a new method to the ErorrHelper class that retrieves an ABL runtime error description as described in

SCL-3280 Added method to remove query expressions of a field from an IQueryExpression


We have added the method RemoveBufferFieldFromQueryExpression to the QueryExpression class. This method removes all query expressions where the first operand represents the given buffer field. The method works on QueryExpression instances and (nested) ListQueryExpression instances.

SCL-3290 FileHelper:ShortFileNameWithoutExtension now returns filename also for filename without extension


We have modified the behavior of the FileHelper:ShortFileNameWithoutExtension method to return the filename itself for filenames without an extension at all.

SCL-3295 Added DB indexes by the SmartLanguage field


To support queries used by referential integrity, we have added a non-unique, non-default Index with the SmartLanguage field to those database tables:
- SmartAttachment
- SmartMessage
- SmartTranslation
- SmartUser

New Feature

SCL-3260 Added support for VAR statement to Proparse


The ABL now supports variable definitions based on a new VAR statement. We've added support for this new statement to Proparse.

SCL-3268 Added support for class based event handlers to RUN ASYNCHRONOUS statement to Proparse


The ABL now supports class based event handlers for the RUN ASYNCHRONOUS statement. We've added support for this to Proparse.

SCL-3269 Added support for methods as call-backs for the Socket Widget Handle


The ABL now supports methods as callbacks for the socket widget handle. We've added support for the new syntax to Proparse.

SCL-3270 Added support for Compounts Assignment Operators to proparse


The ABL now supports the new compounts assignment operator (e.g. +=). We have added support for these new operators to Proparse.

SCL-3282 Implemented procedure which copies translations to specific language


We have added a procedure in the Consultingwerk\SmartFramework\Tools folder. The procedure copyUnknownTranslations.p supports coying translations from the unspecifed language to a given language. This may simplify creating translation records for a new language.

SCL-3283 Added static WriteLog method to the QueryExpression method


We have added static WriteLog methods to the QueryExpression class. Those methods support a structured logging output of a QueryExpression or (nested) ListQueryExpression using the LogManager or a provided ILogginStream reference. Those methods will simplify debugging of query manipulation routines.

SCL-3288 Resolve memory leaks caused by references to session:current-request-info


Referenceto session:current-request-info creates a new instance of the object, and when you do not assign it to a variable or reference it via a chained reference, e.g. when testing if valid-object(session:current-request-info)... an object is created that is not destroyed. The creation is not logged either, so it is extremely difficult to detect it.
Progress logged OCTA-33438 for this but there is a workaround.
We have implemented workarounds for the issue in our code.